史学研究 314 号
2023-03-31 発行


Batik Industry in Indonesia during the Great Depression
赤崎 雄一
1.03 MB
利用開始日 2025-03-31
The batik industry is called the national industry in Indonesia. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the process of growth of the batik industry during the Great Depression.
In the early 1930s, as imports of cheap Japanese cotton cloth increased, batik companies began to use Japanese rather than Dutch products. As a result, the government imposed import restrictions, which caused the batik industry to reduce its production. However, in 1936, when the government issued a law to rescue the batik industry, the price of cotton cloth dropped, which helped the industry to recover.
In Surakarta, the main production area, batik companies were able to maintain stable production by preserving traditional manufacturing methods and designs, while promoting division of labor and organization among companies.