史学研究 Issue 304
published_at 2019-10-21

一三世紀『マリョルカ分配記録』の生成 : 財産目録の複合性と象徴性

A Genetic Study of Llibre del Repartiment de Mallorca: Compositeness and Symbolism of the Inventory of Distributed Lands.
KUNO Sachi
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Jaume I, king of the Crown of Aragón, made his scribes compile the latin-arabic version and the catalan one of Llibre del Repartiment de Mallorca, inventory of land properties distributed after the Catalan conquest for Mayūrca in the thirteenth century, between both of which we can find out a lot of differences in terms of not only use of languages but also forms, arrangements, contents of description and periods of compilation. The process of genesis of each manuscript indicates for what purpose their scribes compile them: it is more important for each scribe to pile up contents of distributions just after the Catalan conquest, than to update an information of current conditions strictly each time. The inventory, which has considered as being based on the practical uses, is able to take the symbolism as holding every wisdoms at the same time.