史学研究 Issue 302
published_at 2019-04-19

戦後初期、東北における中国共産党の宣伝戦略の展開 : 反ソ愛国運動前後における『東北日報』の報道を中心に

Early after World War II, the development of the propaganda strategy of the Chinese Communist Party in northeast China: Focusing on report by the Northeast Daily before and after the patriotic movement against the Soviet Union
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After the Second World War, how did the CCP in Northeast China strengthen its legitimacy through propaganda? In this paper, I will discuss this topic by analyzing the propaganda content of the Northeast Daily, which is the newspaper of the Northeast Bureau of the CCP. In the early days after the Second World War, the CCP’s propaganda organs used the praise of the Soviet Union and the Soviet army to downplay the bad influence of the Soviet atrocities. And the propaganda organs of the CCP want to use this propaganda to show the people of the Northeast that the CCP, which has the same ideology as the Soviet Union, can also lead the people of the Northeast to realize the prosperity of Soviet-style socialism. And to enable the people of the Northeast to enjoy a happy and peaceful life. However, after the impact of the patriotic movement against the Soviet Union in February 1946, the propaganda organs of the CCP maintained the authority of the Soviet Union and transferred the liberation of the Northeast from the ‘Soviet Army’ to the ‘Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance Army under the leadership of the CCP’. ‘The CCP is a patriot who liberated the Northeast’ become the legal basis for the CCP to rule the Northeast.