表現技術研究 17 号
2022-03-31 発行

梁啓超における「西学東漸」の構築について : 『東藉月旦』を中心に

The construction of Liang Qichao's understanding of Western learning spreading to the East: An analysis focusing on Dongji Yuedan
張 淑君
843 KB
From 1890, when he began to study with Kang Youwei, to the early years of his refuge in Japan, Liang Qichao composed a series of articles and books introducing foreign books for the benefit of his students and later scholars. This paper mainly focuses on three of his works: Dushu Fenyue Kecheng, Western Culture Booklist, and Dongji Yuedan. The background of their composition, contents, and other aspects are investigated to understand what Liang Qichao meant by Western learning and explore how he gradually constructed his understanding of Western learning spreading to the East and the leading factors of its construction.
Liang Qichao
Western learning spreading to the East
Dongji Yuedan