Yanagihara Hirokazu
id (desc)
Creator | Oda Ryoya | Yanagihara Hirokazu | Fujikoshi Yasunori |
Journal | Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods pp. 1 - 15 |
Date of Issued |
published_at 2024-07-18
Creator | Satoh Kenichi | Yanagihara Hirokazu | Ohtaki Megu |
Journal | Communications in Statistics Simulation and Computation Volume 32 Issue 1 pp. 179 - 190 |
Date of Issued |
published_at 2003-01
Creator | Yanagihara Hirokazu | Ohtaki Megu |
Journal | Communications in Statistics Simulation and Computation Volume 32 Issue 3 pp. 771 - 786 |
Date of Issued |
published_at 2003-01