An extended wavelet Galerkin method with a high-order B-spline for 2D crack problems

Acta Mechanica Volume 226 Page 2159-2175 published_at 2015-02-11
アクセス数 : 18
ダウンロード数 : 15

今月のアクセス数 : 17
今月のダウンロード数 : 14
AM_226_2159.pdf 4.66 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
An extended wavelet Galerkin method with a high-order B-spline for 2D crack problems
Tanaka Satoyuki
Suzuki Hirotaka
Ueda Shigeyuki
Sannomaru Shogo
Source Title
Acta Mechanica
Volume 226
Start Page 2159
End Page 2175
Two-dimensional (2D) crack problems are solved employing a novel technique based on a combination of wavelet Galerkin method and X-FEM with a high-order interpolant. Multiresolution analysis of the wavelet basis functions (scaling/wavelet functions) plays an important role in the numerical simulation. High-order B-spline scaling/wavelet functions are chosen as the basis functions. Severe stress concentration near a crack tip is represented by superposing the multiresolution wavelet functions. In addition, the crack modeling is easy to treat by introducing enrichment functions of the X-FEM. In the proposed approach, the governing equation is discretized based on fixed grid, and fracture mechanics problems with complicated shaped geometries can be analyzed effectively, reducing the model generation tasks. 2D linear fracture mechanics problems are solved, and the accuracy is studied for numerical examples.
This research was partially supported by the Grant for Young Researchers from the JGC-S Scholarship Foundation.
Resource Type journal article
Date of Issued 2015-02-11
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Publish Type Accepted Manuscript
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[DOI] isVersionOf