「責任ある・使命ある大学」の将来像を語ろう! : 第49回(2021年度)研究員集会の記録

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タイトル ( jpn )
「責任ある・使命ある大学」の将来像を語ろう! : 第49回(2021年度)研究員集会の記録
タイトル ( eng )
Let’s all come together to talk about the future vision of a ‘responsible university, a university with a mission!’: Proceedings of the 49th R.I.H.E. Annual Study Meeting (Nov.26, 2021)
山田 礼子
濱中 義隆
椿 美智子
李 麗花
横山 岳紀
齋藤 芳子
古藤 隆浩
青野 篤子
伊藤 彰浩
野内 玲
吉岡 香奈
樊 怡舟
津多 成輔
松繁 寿和
福留 東土
Reviews in higher education
[NCID] AN10185602
The 2021 Annual Study Meeting was held online on November 26, 2021. The aim of this year's meeting was two-fold. First, to “strengthen cooperation” with Hiroshima University Headquarters. Second, “to use the 50th anniversary of RIHE as an opportunity to identify new issues in higher education”.
The first part of the symposium was held in the morning in collaboration with Hiroshima University's Office of Globalization, and presented the latest findings and analysis of the SERU (Student Experience in the Research University) student survey questionnaire, which has been implemented by Hiroshima University for several years. This survey is a worldwide survey of research universities, sponsored by UC Berkeley, and RIHE members have participated in its analysis and have regularly presented its results at meetings held around the world.
The second part of the session in the afternoon was titled “Let’s all come together to talk about the future vision of a ‘responsible university’, a university with a mission!” The background of this project was the recognition that the world is facing a mountain of problems, including global disease and disaster, poverty, inequality, gender and LGBTQ issues, and advanced science and technology that is leaving human hands. And now, with the outbreak of serious events such as the Corona disaster and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, universities are being questioned about how they should respond to these issues and are being forced to redefine the role of universities. In this context, solutions developed through higher education are needed more than ever before.
With this in mind, this meeting provided an opportunity for many people involved in higher education to express their views and opinions on the “ideal image of the university of the future”. In the afternoon session, the two keynote speakers and the “My Argument” speakers all made important points regarding the future of higher education, and the discussions in the breakout rooms were the most heated exchanges of opinions in recent years.
More than 100 people attended both the first session in the morning and the second session in the afternoon. We were able to carry out this year's researchers' meeting with a great success. This publication contains the meeting proceedings of the second part of the session.
はしがき… 村澤 昌崇 i
研究員集会の趣旨… iii
セッション1 基調講演
2040 年グランドデザインにおける私の主張… 山田 礼子 1
高等教育の将来像とは-これまでの研究から-… 濱中 義隆 15
セッション1 の司会をして… 大膳 司 27
セッション2 私の主張:高等教育のあるべき姿
データサイエンス時代に各自が課題解決できるようになる教育の姿-文理融合教育による社会・産業の課題解決能力アップを目指して-… 椿 美智子 31
大学教育における産学連携教育の位置づけ… 李 麗花 33
「学問の自由」と国立大学財政… 横山 岳紀 35
先ず隗より始めよ-学内のコミュニティを顧みる- … 齋藤 芳子 37
「責任ある・使命ある大学」をつくりたい!… 古藤 隆浩 41
人文社会科学とジェンダーの視点から… 青野 篤子 45
「将来あるべき大学像」を実現するエネルギー… 伊藤 彰浩 49
高等教育における研究倫理・研究公正… 野内 玲 51
教養教育の重要性とコロナ禍における危機… 吉岡 香奈 55
高等教育の因果推論に関する私論-仮定違反を考えて… 樊 怡舟 57
主体的な学びの土台となる教育機会-大学の立地についての地域間不均衡を例に-… 津多 成輔 59
人材育成における産学“縫接”-企業人事部が関わったカリキュラム開発-… 松繁 寿和 61
学術を支えるものとしての「主張」-セッション2「私の主張:高等教育のあるべき姿」の司会を担当して-… 福留 東土 63
研究員集会の概要… 67
資源タイプ 図書
発行日 2022-04-28
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISBN] 978-4-86637-038-5
[NCID] AN10185602