「論理国語」における言語活動を取り入れた授業提案 : 『「である」ことと「する」こと』(丸山真男)の場合

中等教育研究紀要 Issue 67 Page 102-91 published_at 2021-03-31
アクセス数 : 1580
ダウンロード数 : 1776

今月のアクセス数 : 25
今月のダウンロード数 : 11
BullTheoryPracticeSecEdu_67_102.pdf 3.63 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
「論理国語」における言語活動を取り入れた授業提案 : 『「である」ことと「する」こと』(丸山真男)の場合
Title ( eng )
Class Proposals that Incorporate Language Activities in "Japanese Language(Logic)": A case of "To be" and "To do"(by Masao Maruyama)
Source Title
Bulletin of theory and practice in secondary education
Issue 67
Start Page 102
End Page 91
Journal Identifire
[PISSN] 1349-7782
[NCID] AA12025729
① 自分の問題として受け止められるような書くテーマを設定する。
② 構成メモを使って、思考の枠組みを作成した後、生徒同士の相互批評を行う過程を踏んで、文章を書く。
③ 「接続詞」の働きを取り上げたレッスンを組み入れる。
④ 評価の観点を簡略化し、文章を評価してすぐ返却し、かつ文章を多く書く機会を設ける。
New Course of Study for High Schools(2019)clearly states that "Japanese Language(Logic)" should assign about 30% to 40% of total teaching hours to "writing" . What kind of "reading" and "writing" instruction process will be followed by using "To be" and "To do"(by Masao Maruyama)to efficiently improve "writing" ability? 
As a result of having them write an essay that analyze modern society with the logic of "To be" and "To do": the following four proposals were made:
① Select a writing theme which is closely related to yourself.
② After creating a framework using the composition memo, students discuss and criticize the text "To be" and "To do" in pairs and then write an essay.
③ Incorporate lessons that deal with the function of "conjunctions".
④ Simplify the viewpoint of evaluation, evaluate sentences and return them immediately, and provide an opportunity to write many essays.
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2021-03-31
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1349-7782
[NCID] AA12025729