Policy-Practice-Results Linkages for Education Development of Good Quality and International Cooperation in the Post-2015 Era

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Title ( eng )
Policy-Practice-Results Linkages for Education Development of Good Quality and International Cooperation in the Post-2015 Era
Source Title
CICE叢書6 Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development : Final Report of Phase IV Research Results : Toward Achieving the SDG4 : Contributions of African and Asian Researchers
CICE Series
Volume 6
Start Page 77
End Page 96
Education 2030 adopted in September 2015, as fourth of SDGs emphasizes quality education, above all, learning outcomes. Meanwhile, aid increasingly uses results-based financing, moving away from conventional projects in favor of program approach in line with principles of Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, although evidence suggests that budget support has failed to achieve learning improvement. Emerging approaches to the new education agenda are characterized by emphasis on system and assessment.
The paper covers issues of educational development and aid after Jomtien World Conference on Education for All of 1990 and (1) re-contextualizes significance today of SDG4 and clarify challenges, (2)examines features and identifies gaps of the ‘mainstream approach’ of international cooperation for educational development, in comparison with existing and emerging alternative approaches, and (3) present actions needed to ensure policy-implementation-results linkage that will more likely achieve learning improvement and its outcomes.
Group B: Quality of Education and Educational Policy
This article is an extended version of Yoshida, K. and van der Walt, J.L. (2017).
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2019-06
Copyright (c) 2019 広島大学教育開発国際協力研究センター
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[NCID] BA52782320
[NCID] BB29255117
[URI] https://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/cice/?page_id=3340