幼児における外部情報のソースモニタリングと言語性・視空間性ワーキングメモリ課題の成績との関連 : ワーキングメモリ課題の系列情報と項目情報を区別した検討

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BullGradSchEducHU-Part3_68_101.pdf 1.13 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
幼児における外部情報のソースモニタリングと言語性・視空間性ワーキングメモリ課題の成績との関連 : ワーキングメモリ課題の系列情報と項目情報を区別した検討
Title ( eng )
The Relationship between Young Children’s Source Monitoring and Serial Order or Item Information in Verbal or Visuospatial Working Memory Tasks
Ozawa Ikumi
Source Title
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 3, Education and human science
Issue 68
Start Page 101
End Page 109
In this study, we examined the relationship between young children’s source monitoring of external information and serial order or item information in the working memory task. Seventy five children (mean age of the moon = 61.9) participated in Study 1. They were presented with three slides and were asked to remember what items appeared in which order, in which position, and how many items came out on each slide. A partial correlation showed that the score of the verbal serial order information and visuospatial position information were positively related to the score of the source monitoring task, even after controlling for age. We corrected the tasks and conducted study 2 for 72 participants (mean age of the moon = 60.3). Even after controlling for age and vocabulary, the score of the verbal item information and visuospatial position information showed a positive correlation with the score of the source monitoring tasks. Thus, it was suggested that accurate remembering of verbal item information and visuospatial position information is related to accurate source monitoring of external information.
source monitoring
working memory
serial order information
item information
young children
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2019-12-20
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1346-5562
[NCID] AA11625039