岐阜県古川小学校における「ふしづくりの教育」の教育課程に関する研究 : 二本立て方式に着目して

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BullGradSchEducHU-Part2_67_317.pdf 1.2 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
岐阜県古川小学校における「ふしづくりの教育」の教育課程に関する研究 : 二本立て方式に着目して
Title ( eng )
The Curriculum of “Fushizukuri” in Furukawa Elementary School in Gifu Prefecture: Focusing on the “Nihondate” approach
Source Title
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part. II, Arts and science education
Issue 67
Start Page 317
End Page 326
The purpose of this study is to elucidate features of the Curriculum of “Fushizukuri” Music Education in Furukawa Elementary School, Gifu prefecture. In 1996, “Fushizukuri” was initiated in Furukawa Elementary School as a pilot school program of Gifu prefecture. After the end of the program, this method has been further developed. The “Fushizukuri” curriculum, named “Fushizukuri ipponmichi”, was elaborated on by all the teachers of the school, led by the chief music teacher, Toshihiro Yamazaki, under the educational policy of the head teacher, Ichiro Nakaya. This curriculum is comprised of 30 phases and 102 steps. The music lessons were composed of the “Nihondate” approach: gradual improvement of fundamental musical competency based on “Fushizukuri ipponmichi” and learning music as material. This approach implements two kinds of activities in parallel to a music lesson.
Activity-A: In order to enrich the students’ activities, it derives musical potential from students and teaching of singing, music appreciation and playing instruments.
Activity-B: To systematically teach fundamental competency for engaging in musical activities in step with the development of students. This curriculum is a landmark system aiming at systematic acquisition of music competency while maintaining music appreciation. Listening ability, musical sense and musical memory developed in activity-B enable comparison or analysis and distinguish different tones and kinds of music. Then, music knowledge, musical skills and fundamental musical competency obtained from the learning experience in the “Fushizukuri” is applied into learning by teaching material as activity-A. It enables students to realize and evaluate tone and music. All these lessons were implemented based on the students’ autonomy and cooperation with others. The features of “Fushizukuri” are consideration of autonomy, enhancement of self-esteem and the feeling of fulfi llment. Particularly, they enjoyed improved self-worth/self-efficacy, acceptance of others and self-determination with music. Therefore, “Fushizukuri” is an impressive and meaningful music lesson for students.
Fushizukuri Education
Furukawa elementary school
the “Nihondate” approach
music curriculum
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2018-12-21
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1346-5554
[NCID] AA11618725