Speech Acts in Three of Joseph Conrad’s Marlow Stories

広島外国語教育研究 Issue 21 Page 85-98 published_at 2018-03-01
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Title ( eng )
Speech Acts in Three of Joseph Conrad’s Marlow Stories
Title ( jpn )
Source Title
Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education
Issue 21
Start Page 85
End Page 98
Journal Identifire
[PISSN] 1347-0892
[NCID] AA11424332
本稿では,ジョウゼフ・コンラッドの「青春」,『闇の奥』,『ロード・ジム』を,言語行為論を用いて分析する。まず,J. L. オースティンの『言語と行為』における「寄生的」(parasitic),およびサールの「フィクションの論理的身分」における「不真面目」(nonserious)という用語の使用について検討する。その上で本稿では,オースティンによる言語行為論の全体的枠組みを維持しつつ,これらの二つの用語を,それぞれ「共生的」(symbiotic)および「虚構的」(fictional)に置き換える。つまり後者の対照語は「真面目」(serious)ではなく「非虚構的」(non-fictional)となる。またサールによる断言型(assertives)カテゴリーの提示が言語行為の分類に果たした貢献について論じる。
In this article, we use speech act theory to explore Joseph Conrad’s ‘Youth’, Heart of Darkness, and Lord Jim. Initially we consider J. L. Austin’s use of the term ‘parasitic’ in How to Do Things with Words and Searle’s adoption of the term ‘nonserious’ in his article ‘The Logical Status of Fictional Discourse’. While retaining our commitments to the overall speech act framework described by Austin, we re-label the two terms as ‘symbiotic’ and ‘fictional’, contrasting the latter with ‘non-fictional’ rather than ‘serious’. We also consider Searle’s contribution to the speech act taxonomy through his creation of the category of assertives.
In the analysis of the three Conrad stories, we place emphasis on the use of assertions, which fall within the category of assertives. We use these to examine Conrad’s non-fictional commitments to accuracy. Finally, we consider how one of the stories, Lord Jim, has been adapted for use as an EFL text and consider how such adaptations could be improved to give the reader a greater understanding of the richness of Conrad’s writing, and also whether Conrad’s short stories are better texts for language learners to study than his longer works.
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2018-03-01
Copyright (c) 2018 広島大学外国語教育研究センター
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1347-0892
[NCID] AA11424332