
日本古写経研究所研究紀要 2 号 83-96 頁 2017-03-01 発行
アクセス数 : 831
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今月のアクセス数 : 6
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JResInstOdJpnMsBudScrp_2_83.pdf 3.27 MB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( jpn )
タイトル ( eng )
The Original Text of the Kasuga Edition of the Gobu daijō kyō and the Reasons for Choosing a Copy-Text
Journal of the Research Institute for Old Japanese Manuscripts of Buddhist Scriptures
開始ページ 83
終了ページ 96
This paper has two goals:
A. To show that the Kasuga edition 春日版 of the Gobu daijō kyō 五部大乗経 (hereafter K-Gdk), which basically reproduces the text of the Song edition 宋版 of the Buddhist Canon, also includes readings from old Japanese manuscripts.
B. To examine the reasons for choosing the copy-texts for the K-Gdk.
My research has led to the following conclusions:
A. After the manufacturing of the wooden blocks of the K-Gdk on the basis of the Song edition, the editors emended the text by adopting readings which agree with the old Japanese manuscripts. Chapter titles were also included.
B. The K-Gdk made use of the Sixi edition of the Song Canon 宋版思渓版 as the copy-text for the following texts: the Da fangdeng da ji jing 大方等大集経, the Da fengguang fo huayan jing 大方広仏華厳経, the Mohe bore poluomi jing 摩訶般若波羅密経, and the Da banniepan jing hou fen 大般涅槃経後分. This is because the Sixi edition of the Song Canon was close to the readings of the old Japanese manuscripts. As far as the Da banniepan Jing 大般涅槃経 is concerned, the K-Gdk editors adopted the Tōzen-ji edition of the Song Canon 宋版東禅寺版 as the copy-text. The reason was the same: the latter' s readings were close the old Japanese manuscripts.
Those parts which were emended and/or added to the wooden blocks most likely represent important variant readings.
I hope that further research on the Sixi edition and other Song editions of the Canon as well as on old Japanese manuscripts and incunables will bring a significant contribution to the study of Buddhism in its various aspects.
日本語 [ 810 ]
資源タイプ 紀要論文
発行日 2017-03-01
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 2189-7662
[NCID] AA12749161