日本人英語学習者の読解習慣と情意要因に関する実態調査 : 勉学以外の活字接触度と英文読解への態度を焦点に

広島外国語教育研究 Issue 20 Page 273-284 published_at 2017-03-01
アクセス数 : 1206
ダウンロード数 : 441

今月のアクセス数 : 5
今月のダウンロード数 : 3
h-gaikokugokenkyu_20_273.pdf 546 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
日本人英語学習者の読解習慣と情意要因に関する実態調査 : 勉学以外の活字接触度と英文読解への態度を焦点に
Title ( eng )
The Relationship between Habitual Reading Behavior and Affective Domains : Out-of-School Reading Amount and Reading Attitude
Source Title
Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education
Issue 20
Start Page 273
End Page 284
Journal Identifire
[PISSN] 1347-0892
[NCID] AA11424332
This paper reports a survey on the type and frequency of L2-English written input that the Japanese university EFL students usually obtain outside class, as well as on their attitude to L2-English reading. Exposure to L2-English input outside class is motivated by affective factors, such as motivation and attitude, which consequently contribute to reading development (El-Khechen, Ferdinand, Steninmayr, & McElvany, 2016; Guthrie, Wigfield, Metsala, & Cox, 1999). The present survey aims to discover what they (do not) read, why they (do not) read, and what is behind their reading behavior. A total of 249 Japanese university EFL students answered 11-item questionnaires. Some measured the habitual reading behavior regarding books for pleasure, newspapers, contacting and information gathering on social network services and the Internet, and the other measured the affective attitude to L2-English reading as well as to four language skills regarding self-efficacy, interest, and learning value. The results revealed that the students do not usually obtain English-written input other than in the classroom, possibly due to their relatively high self-efficacy and lack of interest in reading and of learning value compared with the other learning skills (i.e., speaking and listening).
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2017-03-01
Copyright (c) 2017 広島大学外国語教育研究センター
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1347-0892
[NCID] AA11424332