
広島大学水畜産学部紀要 12 巻 2 号 155-171 頁 1973-12-20 発行
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JFacFishAnim_12_155.pdf 1.52 MB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( jpn )
タイトル ( eng )
Blood Compositions and Their Seasonal Changes in Dairy Cattle Raised by Pasturing
藤井 俊策
吉本 伝
Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Hiroshima University
開始ページ 155
終了ページ 171

1) 測定した延130頭分の血液成分の平均値は,総蛋白7.31±0.75g/dl,血清蛋白分画では,アルブミン49.7±5.4%,α-グロブリン16.4±2.63,β-グロブリン10.1±2.18%,γ-グロブリン23.8±5.28%,A/G比1.01±0.23,尿素態窒素13.68±2.18mg/dl,尿酸1.11±0.25mg/dl,ヘマトクリット値31.6±3.08%,血糖49.41±10.0mg/dl,カルシウム9.6±1.36mg/dl,マグネシウム2.62±0.44mg/dl,無機リン3.9±1.31mg/dl,ナトリウム299.2±24.73mg/dl,カリウム14.32±0.24mg/dl,クロール649.2±64.3mg/dl,鉄143.3±49.9μg/dl,銅101.74±33.67μg/dlであった.

2) 肝機能検査のためのアルカリホスファターゼは6.58±2.42K-A単位,トランスアミナーゼのGOT58.40±23.2K-単位,GPT17.62±5.76K-単位,血清膠質のC.C.L.F.testは全例+++であった.これらの値は人の正常値に比べると,いずれも高値であるが,これをもって反芻獣の場合に肝機能障害とは判定できない.

3) 血液成分のうち,春の放牧開始とともに増加し,引続き青草摂取期間中高い値を保ったものは,総蛋白,アルブミン,尿素態窒素などの含窒素成分とヘマトクリット値であった.これらの成分は冬の舎飼期には低下した.



The blood compositions and their changes through the whole year were examined in lactating dairy cattle raised mainly by pasturing. Examination of the blood was carried out once a month, over a thirteen-month period, in 10 designated individuals. The results from the present study are summarized as follows.

1) The mean values of serum constituents in a total of 130 individuals examined were 7.31±0.75 g/dl in total serum protein; 49.7±5.4% in albumin fraction; 16.4±2.63% in α-globulin fraction; 10.1±2.18% in β-globulin fraction; 23.8±5.28% in γ-globulin fraction; 13.68±2.18 mg/dl in urea nitrogen; 1.11±0.25 mg/dl in uric acid; 1.01±0.23 in albumin/globulin ratio; 31.6±3.08 in hematocrit value; 49.41±10.0 mg/dl in blood glucose; 9.6±1.36 mg/dl in calcium; 3.9±1.31 mg/dl in phosphorus; 2.62±0.44 mg/dl in magnesium; 299.2±24.73 mg/dl in sodium; 14.32±2.04 mg/dl in potassium; 649±64.32 mg/dl in chloride; 143.3±49.9 µg/dl in iron, and 101.74±33.67 µg/dl in copper.

2) The results of various tests for liver function were 6.58±2.42 K-A units in alkaline phosphatase (in total 80 individuals); 58.04±23.2 K units in gultamic oxalacetic transaminase (in total 40 individuals); 17.62±5.76 K units in gultamic pyruvic transaminase (in total 40 individuals); 161.9±35.95 mg/dl in total cholesterol (in total 40 individuals), and grade +++ in cephalin-cholesterol-lecitin floculation test (in total 30 individuals).

3) The serum total protein, urea nitrogen, uric acid, albumin/globulin ratio, hematocrit value, and serum inorganic phosphorus tended to increase in value with the opening of pasture season in April, and they maintained a high level value until October, when pasturing end. With the in-door season, they tended to decrase in value and continued their low levels during winter period. On the other hand, the level of serum calcium was high during the in-door period in winter, while it was low during the pastor period. Concentration of serum glucose and percentage of γ-globulin fraction went up for several weeks after the beginning of pasturing.
畜産業 [ 640 ]
資源タイプ 紀要論文
発行日 1973-12-20
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 0440-8756
[NCID] AN00213563
[NAID] 40018463837