An Aneurysm Associated with Moyamoya Disease : A Followup Study by Computed Tomography

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HiroshimaJMedSci_32_25.pdf 1.52 MB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( eng )
An Aneurysm Associated with Moyamoya Disease : A Followup Study by Computed Tomography
タイトル ( jpn )
モヤモヤ病に合併した脳動脈瘤 : CTによる追跡
Yoshihara Takashi
Kitaoka Tamotsu
Tomihara Kenji
Kiya Katsuzo
Nomura Masayuki
Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences
開始ページ 25
終了ページ 33
[PISSN] 0018-2052
[EISSN] 2433-7668
[NCID] AA00664312
We recently experienced a case which had an aneurysm with Moyamoya disease. He developed by a sudden severe headache, vomiting and conscious disturbance. CT was performed, and it revealed hematoma having a diameter of 1.0 cm adjacent to the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle in the head of the left caudate nucleus, and both lateral ventricles, 3rd ventricle, and 4th ventricle were found to be filled with clot. On the 17th day after onset, cerebral angiography was performed and it was found that both internal carotid arteries were strongly stenotic and Moyamoya vessels araised from bifurcation of each internal carotid artery. A spherical aneurysm 3×3 mm in size was seen in the periphery of the Moyamoya vessels, and its location was coincided with intracerebral hematoma on CT. This aneurysm were observed in enhanced CT, and became to smaller and smaller. We performed repeat cerebral angiography on 72nd day after onset, and found the aneurysm to be disappeared.
Cerebral aneurysm
CT scan
Moyamoya disease
Ventricular hemorrhage
医学 [ 490 ]
資源タイプ 紀要論文
Hiroshima University School of Medicine
発行日 1983-03
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 0018-2052
[NCID] AA00664312
[PMID] 6863008