特別支援学校用教科書『くらしに役立つ 社会』の分析(Ⅱ) : 歴史的内容 : 学習困難の研究(3) <原著>

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CSNERP_13_27.pdf 1000 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
特別支援学校用教科書『くらしに役立つ 社会』の分析(Ⅱ) : 歴史的内容 : 学習困難の研究(3) <原著>
Title ( eng )
An Analysis of the Social Studies Textbooks for Special Needs Schools “Useful for Everyday Living” (II) : Contents of History : A Study of Learning Difficulties Part 3 <Original Article>
Yokoyama chinatsu
Watanabe Takumi
Nomi Kazuyoshi
Wakahara Takashi
Wan Biao
Source Title
The Bulletin of the Center for Special Needs Education Research and Practice Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
Issue 13
Start Page 27
End Page 39

本稿は,第3稿として,研究の目的と仮説を確認したのち,歴史的内容に焦点を当て,“特別支援学校”用社会教科書(『くらしに役立つ 社会』東洋館出版社,2007,以下,本教科書と略す)を“通常”学校用社会科歴史教科書と比較し,研究仮説の妥当性を検討する。  

This research is the preliminary study to aim at educational new creation especially which are the mission of the special support education,“ everyone can know and everyone can learn.” to restore an idea of the original education. In this research failure is in the educational state everyone has, not only the child who needs support especially. Our research team is thinking a possibility that all children fail and learning difficulty to have, supposes that it will be necessary to create the states that all children can learn without a trouble in a class and the activity of the school and push forward a study.  

This paper is the third consideration. It at first confirms the purpose of a study and the hypothesis, compares the Social Studies Textbook for the Special School“ Useful for Everyday living” and social studies textbooks for“ usual” middle school focused on historical contents and considers the validity of the research hypothesis.  

As a result of consideration, we found independent with learning of the history that it joined together now by the specific viewpoint, and a difference of the history learning called the learning of the history that we arranged cyclopedically became clear. Learning of the history has life as of one of a learner and time difference basically. The difference makes the abstractness of historic contents it and may produce learning difficulty. However, we can devise it by connecting historic contents with a place (geography) and a social system (citizen) that a learner lives like this textbook now to relax the abstractness of historic contents.
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2015-03
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1883-5406
[NCID] AA12383831