週1回の授業におけるレジスタンストレーニングが大学生の筋力に及ぼす影響 <原著>

広島体育学研究 39 巻 1-10 頁 2013 発行
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タイトル ( jpn )
週1回の授業におけるレジスタンストレーニングが大学生の筋力に及ぼす影響 <原著>
タイトル ( eng )
Effect of resistance training in class once a week on muscular strength in college students <Article>
柳川 和優
Hiroshima Journal of Physical Education
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 10
To clarify the effect of resistance training with a frequency of once a week on muscular strength, we recruited 47 college students and divided them into two groups; experienced group subjects (19 males 69.0±16.7kg, mean±SD of body mass) had been active in various sport clubs and nonexperienced group subjects (28 males 62.0±6.4kg) had not regularly engaged in physical exercise.

They performed resistance training in a PE class once a week for six to seven weeks. One repetition maximum (1RM) for 16 types of training respectively was measured before and after the training term. 1RMs were standardized to z-score by the means and SDs of pre-training. Total muscular strength of each subject was calculated by averaging the standardized z-scores to assess training effects.

The training included three types of slow-training (slow motion with continuous muscle contraction for 64 seconds) and 16 types of weight training. The weight load was 70% of 1RM and the training volume was at least one set (10 repetitions) in 16 types of training.

The total muscular strength significantly increased with effect size being 0.31 in experienced group, and 0.34 in non-experienced group, whereas their increment was not significant between the two groups. Non-experienced subjects with lower muscular strength at pre-training were inclined to get a higher average rate of 1RM improvements, not a higher increment of their total strength in z-score. No significant change was found in the increased amount of 1RM among upper limb, trunk, and lower limb.

Results demonstrate that resistance training at a frequency of once a week increases muscular strength in college students, the weaker students in non-experienced group tend to produce a higher rate of increase due to training, and improvements of strength do not differ among the 3 groups of body segments.
スポーツ・体育 [ 780 ]
資源タイプ 学術雑誌論文
発行日 2013
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 1340-377X
[NCID] AN00073045