触覚刺激がイメージの鮮明性と体験様式におよぼす影響 <研究論文>

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Title ( jpn )
触覚刺激がイメージの鮮明性と体験様式におよぼす影響 <研究論文>
Title ( eng )
The Ettect of tactile stimulation in the vividness and the manner of experiences of imagery
Hiyake Satomi
Shiwa Shiro
Source Title
Bulletin of training and research center for clinical psychology
Volume 11
Start Page 139
End Page 148
Imagery is a well-known phenomenon. The power of imagery is also used therapeutically in clinical settings. Tactile is unique among the five senses, because unlike the other senses, we cannot experience tactile sensations until an object touches out body. Therefore, the relationship between imagery and tactile stimulation was investigated using three measures of imagery: (a) vividness of imagery experiences, (b) manner of imagery experiences, and (c) pulse weaves to measure changes in physiological indices during the imagery session. Water was used as the tactile stimulation. In the experimental condition, participants (N = 12) maintained an image while experiencing tactile stimulation, by imagining a beach while soaking their hands with water. In the control condition, participants (N = 12) imagined a beach without soaking their hands. The results indicated that when imagining while experiencing tactile stimulation, participants had more vivid images in comparison to imagining without tactile stimulation.Moreover, participants' pulse waves were higheer when they imagined, in comparison to a rest period. These results that tactile stimulation affects the vividness of imagery.
vividness of imagery experiences
manner of experience
Psychology [ 140 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2013-03-20
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[NCID] AA11849207