Hiroshima University Research and Technology Guide 2012 Version : Life Science
アクセス数 : 879 件
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今月のアクセス数 : 4 件
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Hiroshima University Research and Technology Guide 2012 Version : Life Science
作成者 |
Center for Collaborative Research & Community Cooperation
内容記述 |
I Life Science
Development of Treatment Strategy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma to Improve the Long Term Prognosis / Hiroshi AIKATA...2 Development of Revolutional Apatite-implant Complex with Simultaneous Bone Augmentation and Osseointegration / Yasumasa AKAGAWA...3 How Do Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Experience Memory Impairments? / Sawako ARAI...4 Development of New Therapies for Chronic Viral Hepatitis Using Human Hepatocyte Chimeric Mice / Kazuaki CHAYAMA...5 Identification of High Risk Patients to Develop a Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension / Yoshihiro DOHI...6 The Evaluation of the Intractable Chronic Pain in Psychosocial Factor and Specificity Symptom / Mitsuru DOI...7 A Versatile Modification of Physical Properties of Organic Materials by Introduction of Oxaalkyl Chains / Koichi FUKUHARA...8 Activin A Induces Craniofacial Tissue from Undifferentiated Xenopus Ectoderm in vitro / Yasuto FUKUI...9 Functional Analysis of Signal Complexes Containing Insulin Receptor Substrates (IRSs) / Toshiaki FUKUSHIMA...10 Changes in Interhemispheric Inhibition from the Active to Resting Primary Motor Cortex during a Fine-motor Manipulation Task / Kozo FUNASE...11 Creation of High Performance Host Yeast for the Production of Human-type Sphingolipids / Koichi FUNATO...12 Development of New Technologies for the Medicine Using the Chicken Antibodies / Shuichi FURUSAWA...13 Life Science Participation of Plasminogen Activator/Plasmin System in Cell-cell Adhesion and Invasive Growth of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells / Tomoaki HAMANA...14 Study on Activation of Salivary Secretory Function with Salivary Gland Massage / Kumiko HARA...15 New Defense System against Invasive Bacteria in Host Cells / Kae HARADA...16 Roles of P/Q Type Voltage-gated Calcium Channel in the Postnatal Development of Neuronal Circuits / Kouichi HASHIMOTO...17 Development of a Variety of Analysis Softwares for Magnetoencephalography / Akira HASHIZUME Part-time Lecturer 18 Genome-wide Profiles of the Core Clock Protein BMAL1 Target by Using Multiple High-throughputApproaches / Fumiyuki HATANAKA...19 Detection Method for Epilepsy Using 11C Flumazenil-PET / Toru HIGAKI...20 Development of the Washing-sterilizer by the Ordinary Pressure Superheated Steam Use / Takamune HINO...21 Functional Diagnosis of Cancers by the Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor / Takaaki HIRAGUN...22 Risk Management in Medical Practice / Tooru HIYAMA...23 Generation of Model Mice for Human Diseases and its Application for Development of Novel Therapies / Hiroaki HONDA...24 Cure Rate Improvement of Intractable Hematopoietic Malignancies by Transplantation / Hideo HYODO...25 An Electromagnetophysiological Study on Epileptogenic Zones and Epileptic Spikes UsingIntracranial Electroencephalography andMagnetoencephalography (MEG) in Epilepsy Surgery / Koji IIDA...26 Development of New Antiviral Therapy Using a Chimeric Mouse Human Hepatocytes Infected withHepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) / Michio IMAMURA...27 Functional Analysis of RSC Chromatin-Remodeling Complex in Budding Yeast / Yuko IMAMURA...28 Investigation of Interaction of Cancer Stem Cell to Mesenchymal Stem Cell in Oral Cancer / Yasutaka ISHIDA...29 A Study on the Architectural Planning on Children’s Home / Aya ISHIGAKI...30 Health Promotion and Prevention of Sports Injuries / Yoshimasa ISHII...31 Gene Expression Profiles of Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias: Identification of Disease-specific Diagnostic Markers and Molecular Therapeutic Targets / Nobuhisa ISHIKAWA...32 New Method for Gastric Cancer Screening by Serum Markers / Masanori ITO...33 Clarification of Signaling Pathway Controlling Breast Cancer / Takayuki KADOYA...34 Remarkable Factors Related to Preventing Relapse of Deciduous Anterior Crossbite / Yasutaka KAIHARA...35 Long-term Tooth Cryopreservation by Use of CAS Freezer / Masato KAKU...36 Characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cell for Regenerative Therapy / Masami KANAWA...37 Effect of Cholesterol and its Biosynthetic Precursors on the Cause of BRONJ / Taku KANDA...38 Research on Functions of a New Protein Regulating Energy Metabolism / Takashi KANEMATSU...39 Antibody Arrays for Parallel Analysis of Surface Marker Expression / Koichi KATO...40 Novel Functions of Silk Protein, Sericin / Norihisa KATO...41 Regenerative Medicine Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells Expanded with Serum-free Media / Yukio KATO...42 Physical Properties of Food Products and Biomaterials and Their Practical Application / Kiyoshi KAWAI...43 Regulation of Circadian Clock / Takeshi KAWAMOTO...44 Cell Cryopreservation / Toshitsugu KAWATA...45 Stroma-directed Molecular Targeted Therapy in Gastrointestinal Cancer / Yasuhiko KITADAI...46 Development of a Novel Screening and Evaluation System for Useful Peptides by Changing Peptide Utilization Machinery in Yeast / Kenji KITAMURA...47 Identification of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Gene Markers for Quality Control / Kazuko KITAYAMA...(NEDO Grant Contract) 48 Search for Novel Key Role Molecule of Pain Signaling / Tomoya KITAYAMA...49 Construction of the Tongue Pressure and the Lips Pressure Counting System Using a Superthin Pressure Sensor, and its Clinical Application / Myongsun KOH...50 Long-term Effects of Poison Gas Exposure on the Incidence of Respiratory Diseases / Nobuoki KOHNO...51 Utility of KL-6/MUC1 in the Clinical Management of Interstitial Lung Diseases / Nobuoki KOHNO...52 Development of Molecular Target Therapy to VEGF and VEGFR against Oral Cancer / Koichi KOIZUMI...53 Establishment of Standards for Dental Implant Removal with Resorption of Surrounding Bone / Katsunori KORETAKE...54 Molecular Cloning and Analysis of a Biosynthetic Gene Cluster for the Anti-tubercular Agent D-cycloserine / Takanori KUMAGAI...55 Effects of Statin on Serum Fatty Acid Levels / Satoshi KURISU...56 Human Biomechanics Model and Product Usability Evaluation / Yuichi KURITA...57 Tactile and Haptic Models of Humans and Their Applications to Computer Interface / Yuichi KURITA...58 The Morphology and Function of Cells in the Body / Yoshisuke KUSUMOTO...59 Evaluation of the Usefulness of a New Electronic Device for Gingival Massage / Atsue MATSUMOTO...60 Discovery of Bioactive Compounds from Okinawa Subtropical Plants / Katsuyoshi MATSUNAMI...61 Structural and Functional Analysis of Three Enone Reductases from Nicotiana Tabacum / Akihito MATSUSHIMA...62 A Colored Frog Strain for Visual Identification of the Genetic Sex of Tadpole / Ikuo MIURA...63 Functional Analysis of the Gnathodiaphyseal Dysplasia Gene TMEM16E/GDD1 / Kuniko MIZUTA...64 Development of a Novel Kind of Radioprotectors That Inhibit Radiation-induced Cell Death / Akinori MORITA...65 Development of Chronic Disease Management Programs and the Care Delivery System / Michiko MORIYAMA...66 Application of Manufacturing Systems Technology to Dentistry / Takeshi MURAYAMA...67 Development of Protamine as a Protective Agent against Drug-induced Nephrotoxicity / Junya NAGAI...68 Modification of Plant Fundamental Metabolism by the Use of nMat1 Gene / Naoki NAKAGAWA...69 Biomechanical Function of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Remnants / Atsuo NAKAMAE...70 Effects of Knee Immobilization on Regeneration of the Semitendinosus Tendon and on the Proximal Shift of the Semitendinosus Muscle-tendon Junction after Hamstring Harvesting for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Evaluation Using Three-dimensional Computed Tomography / Atsuo NAKAMAE...71 Development of a New Objective Diagnostic Method for Detecting Motor and Sensory Disturbance Using Higher Brain Function Analysis / Kazuyoshi NAKANISHI...72 Risk Stratification for Brugada Syndrome / Yukiko NAKANO...73 Evaluation of Substance P Content in Biological Samples by Using a High Sensitivity Radioimmunoassay / Yoshihiro NAKATA...74 Simple and Visible Detection Method for Drug and Poison Analysis / Akira NAMERA...75 Yogurt Fermented by Lactobacillus Rhamunosus L8020, Reduce the Risks of Dental Caries, Periodontal Disease and Oral Candidosis / Hiroki NIKAWA...76 Genetic Relationships among Breeds Using Porcine Autosomal SNP Genotypes Using DNA Markers (SNPs) / Masahide NISHIBORI...77 Genetic Variant Associated with the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Japanese Chronic Hepatitis C Patients / Hidenori OCHI...78 Articular Cartilage Repair with Magnetically Labeled Mesenchymal Stem Cells and External Magnetic Device / Mitsuo OCHI...79 CX3CL1 Expression Induced by Candida Albicans in Oral Fibroblasts / Kouji OHTA...80 Statistical Analysis of Multidimensional Data of Complex Systems / Megu OHTAKI...81 Biodiversity and Ecology of Marine Symbionts and Parasites; Fisheries of Edible Zooplankters / Susumu OHTSUKA...82 Unite for Stroke / Toshiho OHTSUKI...83 Caries Incidence Associated with Streptococcus Mutans and S. Sobrinus in Children / Mitsugi OKADA...84 Upregulation of Notch2 and Six1 is Associated with Progression of Early-stage Lung Adenocarcinoma and a More Aggressive Phenotype at Advanced Stages / Morihito OKADA...85 Identification of Responsible Genes for Patients with Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis / Satoshi OKADA...86 Research Infrastructure for Conducting a Safe and Secure Cell Therapy Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Human Bone Marrow / Kosei OKAMOTO...87 Screening of Useful Materials from Unculturable Bacterial Metagenomes / Yoshiko OKAMURA...88 Assessment of the Safety Behavior in the Workplace / Yasumasa OTSUKA...89 Probabilistic Considerations on Eclosion and Copulation of Cicadas / Yasumasa SAISHO...90 Development of Method to Screen Novel Therapeutical Drugs for Neurodegenerative Disease Using Imaging Technique / Norio SAKAI...91 Evaluation of Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas of Cavernous Sinus before and after Endovascular Treatment Using Time-resolved MR Angiography / Shigeyuki SAKAMOTO...92 Application of Thermally Stable Cytochrome c / Yoshihiro SAMBONGI...93 Prediction of Human Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics Using Chimeric Mice with Humanized Liver / Seigo SANOH...94 Assessment of Trypsinogen-2 levels as an Early Diagnostic for Post-endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Pancreatitis / Tamito SASAKI...95 Functional Model of Temporomandibular Joint / Takahiro SATODA...96 Functional Model of Swallowing / Takahiro SATODA...97 Statistical Data Analysis / Kenichi SATOH...98 Statins Induce Apoptosis and Inhibit Proliferation in Cholangiocarcinoma Cells / Masahiro SERIKAWA...99 A Novel Pig Artificial Insemination Technique Using Frozen-thawed Sperm / Masayuki SHIMADA...100 Intracellular Behavior and Elimination of Extrachromosomal Elements / Noriaki SHIMIZU...101 Mechanism of Gene Amplification and its Application to the Protein Production / Noriaki SHIMIZU...102 Research and Development to Minimize the Impact of Electromagnetic Radiation on the Human Body for Hybrid Vehicles and Electric Vehicles Parts / Kenji SHODAI...(Special Appointment) 103 Development of Simulator for Extracorporeal Circulation / Taijiro SUEDA...104 Spinal Cord Protection during Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm / Taijiro SUEDA...105 Surgery for Atrial Fibrillation / Taijiro SUEDA...106 Neuronal Bases of Pleasure and Displeasure for Taste / Makoto SUGITA...107 See-through Frogs Created by Breeding / Masayuki SUMIDA...108 Clinical Application of an Artificial Nerve for Peripheral Nerve Injury / Osami SUZUKI...109 Treatment of Arthritis Using MicroRNA Th17 Cell Differentiation / Osami SUZUKI...110 Regulation of Gastrointestinal Function by Food Factors / Takuya SUZUKI...111 Medium-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (MCAD) Deficiency: Functional Analysis of Mutant Enzymes Found in Japanese Patients / Go TAJIMA...112 Indigenous Symbiotic Environmental Bacteria in the Intestinal Mucosa Drive the Quiescent Mucosal Immune Responses / Ichiro TAKAHASHI...113 Study on Target Gene of miRNA miR224 Which is Overexpressed in Hepatocellular Carcinoma / Shoichi TAKAHASHI...114 Transport of Insulin and its Regulation in Alveolar Epithelial Cells / Mikihisa TAKANO...115 Establishment of Jaw Bone Reconstruction Using High Functional Material for Restoration of the Ideal Jaw Form and the Occlusal Function / Masaaki TAKECHI...116 Survey on Male Dental Hygienists / Toshinobu TAKEMOTO...117 Integrative Analyses of Neuropsychiatric Diseases / Toru TAKUMI...118 Molecular Biology of the Age-related Hearing Loss and Vertigo / Masaya TAKUMIDA...119 Analysis of Chromosome Engineered Mouse Model for Autism / Kota TAMADA...120 Study on Therapeutic Strategy for Colorectal Submucosal Carcinoma after Endoscopic Treatment / Shinji TANAKA...121 Exploitation of MICA Gene Polymorphism for Development of Personalized Medicine in Oral Cancer Patients / Ryouji TANI...122 A New Technology for Treatment of Dental Caries-Regeneration of Tooth Enamel with Amelogenin / Kotaro TANIMOTO...123 Direct Vasodilation by Transdermal Administration of Nitroglycerin: Nitroglycerin Skin Spray for Premedication before Artery Puncture / Keizo TANITAME...124 Development of a Functional Food with an Aim to Enhance Bone Volume / Kazuo TANNE...125 Molecular and Cellular Target Therapy for Hepatic Stellate Cell Using Rho Kinase Inhibitor / Hirotaka TASHIRO...126 Developing the Culture Technology of Pituitary Stem Cell in the Zero Gravity Environment / Atsushi TOMINAGA...127 The Effects on Gene Expression Profiles in Human Hepatocytes by HBV and HCV Infection / Masataka TSUGE...128 Estimation of Arterial Wall Impedance Using Ultra-sonographic Images and its Application to the Diagnosis of Arteriosclerosis / Toshio TSUJI, Masashi KAWAMOTO, Masao YOSHIZUMI...129 Measurement of Peripheral Artery Mechanical Characteristics and Evaluation of Autonomic Nerve Activity / Toshio TSUJI, Masashi KAWAMOTO, Masao YOSHIZUMI...130 Non-constrained and Non-invasive Measurement of Pulse Pressure Waves from Patients in a Supine Position and Development of a Health Monitoring System for Bedridden Individuals / Toshio TSUJI, Masashi KAWAMOTO, Masao YOSHIZUMI...131 Understanding the Mechanism of Chromosome End Maintenance and its Application for Cancer Therapy / Masaru UENO...132 Effect of the Water-soluble Extract from Cultured Medium of Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi) Mycelia (MAK) on Murine Colitis / Yoshitaka UENO...133 Mechanism, Prediction and Countermeasure of Problematic Jellyfish Blooms / Shin-ichi UYE...134 Mechanism of Chronic Pain in Orofacial Region / Mineo WATANABE...135 Algal Synthesis of Hyaluronan and Chitin / Takashi YAMADA...136 Bacteriophage Biocontrol of Bacterial Wilt for Sustainable Agricultural Production / Takashi YAMADA...137 Detection and Monitoring of Phytopathogen Causing Bacterial Wilt / Takashi YAMADA...138 How Does Habitat Association of Plant Species Generate and Maintain? / Toshihiro YAMADA...139 Neural Regeneration by Application of Human Skull Mesenchymal Stem Cells / Satoshi YAMAGUCHI...140 Development of Engineered Nucleases that Enable the Manipulation of the Genome in Cell Lines and Organisms / Takashi YAMAMOTO...141 Development of Automatic Diagnostic System for Brain Tumors / Fumiyuki YAMASAKI...142 Regulation of Thyroid Hormone Sensitivity by Differential Expression of the Thyroid Hormone Receptor During Xenopus Metamorphosis / Yoshio YAOITA...143 Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Targets of Gastrointestinal Cancer Identified by “Omics” Study / Wataru YASUI...144 Clinical and Radiographical Results of 179 Thrust Plate Hip Prosthesis ―5-14 Years Follow-up Study― / Yuji YASUNAGA...145 Biological Psychology of Fish / Masayuki YOSHIDA...146 Quantitative Analysis and Development of a Computer-aided System for Gastrointestinal Lesions Observed on Endoscopy / Shigeto YOSHIDA...147 Assessment of Oral and Pharyngeal Functions for Decision Making of the Ideal Thickness of Liquid / Mineka YOSHIKAWA...148 Purification, Structure Characterization of Bioactive Substances from Marine Organisms and Application to Novel Anti-oral Cancer Drugs / Yukio YOSHIOKA...149 Low Temperature Tolerance of Mammalian Transporters and Development of a New Transport Inhibitor / Ryoko YUMOTO...150 |
言語 |
資源タイプ | その他 |
出版者 |
Center for Collaborative Research & Community Cooperation
出版タイプ | Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む) |
アクセス権 | オープンアクセス |
日付 |
[作成日] 2012-06