アクセス数 : 650
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今月のアクセス数 : 6
今月のダウンロード数 : 1
diss_ko1060.pdf 48.6 MB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( eng )
タイトル ( jpn )
福本 聡
It is of great importance to operate a computer system with high reliability. Several techniques to achieve the high reliability of a computer system have been proposed and implemented in the real computer systems. This dissertation discusses configuration and recovery techniques for fault-tolerant computing systems, for which stochastic models are presented to evaluate performance and/or reliability. Chapter 1 gives introduction for configuration and recovery techniques based on the concept of redundancy. Chapter 2 presents two models for evaluating database recovery mechanisms. The first model discusses the recovery mechanism with periodical checkpoint generations. The second model further discusses the recovery mechanism in the situation where the road of the system varies with time in a shape of a cycle. Chapter 3 presents a model for evaluating the improvement on system reliability by retries based on time redundancy. In Chapter 4, two models for multi-processor systems are proposed from the viewpoint of transaction assignment, and are compared using the reliability/performance measures. Chapter 5 discusses a reliability evaluation software package tool for a system formulated by a continuous-time Markov chain with many states. Finally, Chapter 6 summarizes the results obtained in the dissertation, and discusses the further research works on configuration and recovery techniques.
Contents / p11
Abstract / p7
Acknowledgements / p9
Contents / p11
List of Figures / p15
List of Tables / p19
1 Introduction / p1
 1.1 Configuration and Recovery Techniques for Fault-Tolerance / p1
 1.2 Organization of Dissertation / p7
 References / p9
2 Evaluation for Database Recovery Mechanisms / p15
 2.1 A Recovery Mechanism with Periodical Checkpoint Generations / p15
 2.2 Checkpoint Generations in a Time Varying Load Situation / p37
 References / p55
3 Effects of Time Redundancy by Retries / p57
 3.1 Introduction / p57
 3.2 Model for a Retry Procedure / p60
 3.3 Analysis / p63
 3.4 Numerical Illustrations / p70
 3.5 Concluding Remarks / p82
 References / p86
4 Reliability/Performance Evaluation for Multi-Processor Systems from the Viewpoint of Transaction Assignments / p89
 4.1 Introduction / p89
 4.2 Multi-Processor System Modeling / p91
 4.3 Model 1 / p93
 4.4 Model 2 / p100
 4.5 Numerical Illustrations / p106
 4.6 Concluding Remarks / p111
 References / p114
5 A Reliability Evaluation Software Package Tool for Markov Models with Many States / p117
 5.1 Introduction / p117
 5.2 Mathematical Preliminaries / p119
 5.3 Applications / p126
 5.4 Concluding Remarks / p135
 References / p135
6 Conclusion / p139
Publications List of the Author / p145
電気工学 [ 540 ]
資源タイプ 博士論文
Copyright(c) by Author
出版タイプ Not Applicable (or Unknown)(適用外。または不明)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[1] S. Osaki and S. Fukumoto: "Derivation of the Convergence Time of the Limiting Probabilities for a Markov Process", Trans. IEICE of Japan, Vol. J71-A, No. 4, pp. 1062-1065 (1988) (in Japanese). ~を参照している
[2] S. Fukurnoto and S. Osaki: "Numerical Calculation of Transient Solutions for a Markov Process with Many States", in Abstract of The First Conference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies, P. 27, Seoul (1988). ~を参照している
[3] S. Osaki, H. Ohshimo and S. Fukumoto: "Effect of Software Maintenance Policies for a Hardware-Software System", Int. J. System Sci., Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 331-338 (1989). ~を参照している
[4] S. Fukumoto and S. Osaki: "Maintenance Policies Based on Retries for a Computer System", Trans. IEICE of Japan, Vol. J73-D-I, No. 2, pp. 161-169 (1990) (in Japanese). ~を参照している
[5] Satoshi Fukumoto and Shunji Osaki: "A Software Package Tool for Markovian Computing Models and Its Applications", in Proc. of the IEEE International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, pp. 872-873, Phoenix, Arizona (1990). ~を参照している
[6] S. Fukumoto, N. Kaio and S. Osaki: "Optimal Checkpointing Policies Using the Checkpointing Density", Trans. IPS Japan, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 887-893 (1990) (in Japanese). ~を参照している
[7] H. Ohshirno, S. Fukurnoto and S. Osaki: "Reliability/Performance Evaluation for Multisystems from the Viewpoint of Job Assignments", Trans. IEICE of Japan, Vol. E-73, No. 8, pp. 1257-1263 (1990). ~を参照している
[8] S. Fukumoto, N. Kaio and S. Osaki: "Evaluation for a Database Recovery Action with Periodical Checkpoint Generations", IEICE Trans. of Japan, Vol. E-74, No. 7, pp. 2076-2082 (1991). ~を参照している
[9] S. Fukumoto and S. Osaki: "A Software Package Tool for Markovian Computing Models with Many States: Principles and Its Applications", Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, edited by M. J. Beckmann, M. N. Gopalan and R. Subramanian, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 222-231 (1991). ~を参照している
[10] S. Fukumoto, N. Kaio and S. Osaki: "A Study of Checkpoint Generations for a Database Recovery Mechanism", to appear in Computers Mathematics with Applications (1992). ~を参照している
[DOI] ~を参照している
[DOI] ~を参照している
[NAID] 110002724619 ~を参照している
[DOI] ~を参照している
学位授与番号 甲第1060号
学位授与年月日 1992-03-25