
小児歯科学雑誌 Volume 46 Issue 5 Page 517-523 published_at 2008-12-25
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JpnJPediatrDent_46_517.pdf 371 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
Title ( eng )
Current State of Education of Pediatric Dentistry in Dental Schools in Japan
Education problem research committee,T he Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry
Suzuki Junji
Uchikawa Yoshimori
Kimoto Shigenari
Tamura Yasuo
Nakajima lchiro
Ono Toshiaki
Arita Kenji
Shintani Seikou
Fukumoto Satoshi
Hayashi Fumiko
Tsuchiya Tomoyuki
Source Title
Volume 46
Issue 5
Start Page 517
End Page 523
本邦における小児歯科学教育の現状を調査するために, 全国29歯科大学・大学歯学部の小児歯科学担当講座(分野)に対してアンケート調査を行った。アンケートは小児歯科学授業(講義), 基礎実習, 臨床実習の3項目について行った。アンケートの結果から以下の実態が確認された。授業では, ほとんどの大学で小児歯科, あるいは成長, 発達などの小児歯科学と関連のあるシラバスの科目名称を有していたが, 小児歯科学単独のシラバスを持たない大学もあった。授業時間は平均55時間程度であったが, 最も少ない大学と多い大学では6倍の差があった。基礎実習は平均35時間行われていたが, 国公立大学の平均に比べ私立大学は有意に多かった。臨床実習実施期間は平均11.9か月で大学問の差は少なかったが, 実施時期は国公立大学に比べ私立大学が約6か月程度早期に行われていた。また, 臨床実習での学生の参加形態や評価方法などは大学問で大きな差があった。

以上のことから, 小児歯科学の教育は各歯科大学・大学歯学部で大きな差があることが確認された。特に授業時間や実習時間は私立大学が多い傾向にあった。また臨床実習の実習期間は大学問で大きな差はないが, 開始時期は私立大学が国公立大学に比べ有意に早いことが示された。
To survey the current state of the education of Pediatric Dentistry in our country, a questionnaire investigation was done to all Dental Colleges and School of Dentistry in Universities. The questionnaire consisted of three fields, such as lecture of Pediatric Dentistry, basic laboratory practice and basic clinical practice. According to the questionnaire, the following things were confirrned. All Universities still have the syllabus conceming Pediatric Dentistry, except for one University. The average hours of lecture was 55 hours. The University with the longest course hours was 6 times higher than the shortest University. The average hours of basic laboratory practice was 35 hours. The private Universities were significantly longer than national and public Universities. While, the period of basic clinical practice was similar in all Universities, however it started 6 months earlier in private Universities compared with national and public Universities. Moreover, there were differences in intervention levels of students to the treatment of the patients and evaluation procedures of basic clinical practicein Universities.

In the present study, it was confirrned that the education of Pediatric Dentistry varied considerably between Universities. Especially, the average hours of lecture and basic laboratory practice were longer in private Universities compared to national and public Universities. Furtherrnore, basic clinical practice starts significantly earlier in private Universities.
Pediatric Dentistry
Dental Education
Questionnaire lnvestivation
Medical sciences [ 490 ]
Resource Type journal article
Date of Issued 2008-12-25
Copyright (c) 2008 Authors, 日本小児歯科学会
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0583-1199
[NCID] AN00116228