児童のプールでの自由遊び, 水泳練習およびテストにおける運動強度の比較

広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 Issue 39 Page 149-157 published_at 1991-03-20
アクセス数 : 1154
ダウンロード数 : 224

今月のアクセス数 : 0
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Title ( jpn )
児童のプールでの自由遊び, 水泳練習およびテストにおける運動強度の比較
Title ( eng )
A Comparison of exercise intensities during play activities, practice and time trial in swimming pool for boys and girls
Choi TaeHee
Source Title
広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部
Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 2
Issue 39
Start Page 149
End Page 157
さまざまな水泳の授業形態の中で自由遊び, 水泳練習, テスト及び休憩が含まれている小学生の水泳授業を対象にして, 物理的運動強度としての泳速及び生理的運動強度としての心拍数を分析した結果, 次の結論を得た。


②休憩を含む泳速では, 自由遊び(0.17m/秒)と水泳練習(0.16m/秒)とでほぼ等しかった。しかし, テストでは, 休憩時間が長かったため遅い泳速度(0.04m/秒)が示された。

③水泳練習と自由遊びではAerTからAnT間にそれぞれ全心拍数の28%と27%, AnT以上に2%と1%の心拍数が含まれ, 主として有酸素能力の改善が期待できた。

④テストではAerTからAnT間に全心拍数の18%, AnT以上に9%の心拍数が含まれ, 有酸素能力の改善も期待できた。
The purpose of this study was to compare the exercise intensity during play activities, practice and time trial in swimming pool for boys and girls aged 9 to 10 years. After analyzing the heart rate and swimming velocity during those activities, we obtained the following results.

(1) Swimming velocities during practice (0.50m/sec) and time trial (0.49m/sec) were approximately three times as much as that during play activities (0.17m/sec).

(2) Swimming velocities including rest during play activities (0.17m/sec) and practice (0.16m/sec) were approximately four times as much as that during time trial (0.04m/sec).

(3) The distribution of the heart rate during practice and play activities included 28% and 27% between AerT and AnT, and 2% and 1% over AnT, respectively. This indicates that aerobic power may be prominently improved by practice and play activities.

(4) The distribution of the heart rate during time trial included 18% between AerT and AnT, and 9% over AnT. This indicates that aerobic and anaerobic power may be improved by time trial.
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 1991-03-20
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0440-8713
[NCID] AN0021336X