
広島大学保健学ジャーナル Volume 7 Issue 1 Page 8-14 published_at 2007-12-15
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JHSHU_7-1_8.pdf 619 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
Title ( eng )
Analysis of factors which influence whether or not elderly people on an isolated island go out
Takahata Yoko
Yasutake Shigeru
Mizuma Tomoko
Source Title
Journal of health sciences, Hiroshima University
Volume 7
Issue 1
Start Page 8
End Page 14
離島であるA町健康増進計画策定に向け実施された質問紙調査結果を基に, 高齢者男女を前期高齢者, 後期高齢者に分類し, それぞれの時期で, 外出に影響をおよぼす要因を探った. 分析対象は, 前期高齢者127名(男性68名, 女性59名), 後期高齢者140名(男性72名, 女性68名)であった. 分析にはStat View-J5.0統計ソフトを使用し, 目的変数を外出の有無, 説明変数を健康状態(移動方法, 体力への自信, 生活状況), 社会交流(外出に誘ってくれる友人の有無, 外出に誘ってくれる家族の有無, 子どもとの交流の有無)とした多重ロジスティック回帰分析を行った. 男性の外出に影響する要因は, 前期高齢者では, 有意な変数が検出されなかった. 後期高齢者では, 体力への自信(p<0.05), 外出に誘ってくれる友人の有無(p<0.01)が有意であった. 一方, 女性の外出に影響する要因は, 前期高齢者では, 移動方法(p<0.01)が有意であった. 後期高齢者では, 有意な変数が検出されなかった.

本分析により外出を促進する要因が, 男女によって, また, 年齢によって異なっていることが明らかにできた. この結果は, 今後, 介護予防の観点から, 特に離島という隔絶された地域で, 閉じこもりになりそうな高齢者を発見し支援していく上で, 一指標になると考える.
Objective: To investigate the factors which encourage the elderly to go out of their houses.

Subjects and Methods: The subjects were 140 elderly males and 127 elderly females who completed self-reporting questionnaires. The following were selected as factors influencing going out in elderly people: sex; age; three factors related to health and well-being (whether they could walk by themselves, physical vigor, life satisfaction), and three factors related to social life (whether they had friends to go out with, family members to go out with, and the opportunity to interact with children).

Results: For elderly males, physical vigor and having friends to go out with were the strongest factors related to going out. For elderly females, being able to walk by themselves was the only factor which emerged strongly in relation to going out.

Conclusions: The factors influencing whether elderly people went out or not were different between the sexes. From this result, it may be concluded that different approaches will be needed for elderly males and elderly females.
elderly people
go out
isolated island
Medical sciences [ 490 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2007-12-15
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1347-7323
[NCID] AA11601063