啓蒙主義者カンペの言語論におけるロマン主義的変容 : モーリッツとの比較を手がかりに <特集 言語と教育>

教育哲学研究 Issue 96 Page 63-79 published_at 2007-11-10
アクセス数 : 680
ダウンロード数 : 344

今月のアクセス数 : 4
今月のダウンロード数 : 1
StudPhilEduc_96_63.pdf 901 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
啓蒙主義者カンペの言語論におけるロマン主義的変容 : モーリッツとの比較を手がかりに <特集 言語と教育>
Title ( eng )
The Romantic Transfiguration in the Enlightenmental Theory of Language in the Thought of Campe : In Comparison to the Thought of Moritz <Special Issues : Language and Education>
Source Title
Issue 96
Start Page 63
End Page 79
Purpose of this paper is to reexamine the positioning of the educational thought of Joachim Heinrich Campe which is a representative model of the educational thought in the Enlightenment, in comparison to the theory of Karl Philipp Moritz. Moritz as an early Romanticist tried in his language theory to establish a methodology for creating the universal language through self-analysis and on the basis of his own experiential psychology. Campe showed a necessity for stipulating concepts and an expectation for the public in his criticism of Moritz based upon Enlightenment psychology. This led him to the reconstruction of language through dictionary compilation in the occasion of the French Revolution. In that process Campe constructed a place for the Enlightenment theory of language, by describing the criticism of Moritz. Ironically, however, this turned out to give the latent character of Romanticism to the dictionary. On the basis of this transfiguration, various interpretations of the Campe's language theory were united in one dynamic image. Furthermore, a link between the Enlightment and Romanticism was established through the transfiguration of Campe's theory of language.
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type journal article
Date of Issued 2007-11-10
Copyright (c) 2007 by Author
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0387-3153
[NCID] AN00058052