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Title ( jpn )
Title ( eng )
Impression Evaluation According to Generation based on the Photographs of the University Students in their Twenties.
Source Title
広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域
Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part. II, Arts and science education
Issue 57
Start Page 355
End Page 362
The aim of this current study was to investigate the difference in the impressions that are given from the photographs of the models in their twenties between generations. Participants (5 men and 5 women from each five generations: 10s, 20s, 30/40s, 50/60s, and over 70s) were asked to fill the impression-evaluation scale based on the photographs of the models (5 male and 5 female university students in their twenties) and on the imaginary youth in their early twenties. Emotional-sociable (ES) attractiveness and intellectual-moral (IM) attractiveness were scored from the scale, and the scores indicate positive or negative impressions that participants received from the photographs. Participants of all generations of both sexes rated male models lower in ES attractiveness, compared to the mean score which male models rate themselves. Furthermore, only the female participants in their twenties scored negatively to the male models among all generation groups. However, the ES attractiveness scores of the female models were almost equal to or exceeded the mean score of the female models'. Much the same is true on the result of IM attractiveness scores. It was the female participants in their twenties who rated models the lowest in both ES and IM attractiveness scores. And they also rated the imaginary youth in their early twenties the lowest in ES attractiveness score. That is to say, women in their twenties estimate the people of their generation most severely. It may be partly because they are subject to constant comparison to others of their generation in various situations of daily life.
impression evaluation
generation difference
Psychology [ 140 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2008-12-26
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1346-5554
[NCID] AA11618725