南宋期温州の地方行政をめぐる人的結合 : 永嘉学派との関連を中心に <シンポジウム : 人的結合と支配の論理>

史學研究 212 号 25-48 頁 1996-06-15 発行
アクセス数 : 964
ダウンロード数 : 340

今月のアクセス数 : 7
今月のダウンロード数 : 3
SigakuKenkyu_212_25.pdf 1.36 MB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( jpn )
南宋期温州の地方行政をめぐる人的結合 : 永嘉学派との関連を中心に <シンポジウム : 人的結合と支配の論理>
タイトル ( eng )
The Companionship in the Local Administration of Wen-chou in Southern Sung China
岡 元司
The Review of the Study of History : Shigaku Kenkyu
開始ページ 25
終了ページ 48
[PISSN] 0386-9342
[NCID] AN00100206
The recent researches of Sung history have been focused on the elite's character and activities. Especially, Robert Hymes wrote an impressive analysis of the rise and growth of the elite families in Northern and Southern Sung. However, he was not interested in the relation between this local elite and the government.

The aim of this article is to make clear the "informal" group in the local administration of Wen-thou 温州 prefecture in Liang-che 両浙 circuit.

By examining the relations between the magistrate and the local elite, the following characterstics are pointed out:

1) The informal relationship between the magistrate and the local elite through neo-confucianism permitted the development of the administration in Wen-chou.

2) Although it was not easy to access the magistrates, the local elite was able to do it. The local elites formed their intimate social ties through the blood relations and the marriage ties.

3) The magistrates who came from Ming-chou 明州 prefecture often contributed to the local administration of Wen-chou. Officials from these two prefectures were also cooperative in the political world of the Southern Sung dynasty.
アジア史・東洋史 [ 220 ]
資源タイプ 紀要論文
発行日 1996-06-15
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 0386-9342
[NCID] AN00100206