近世後期における貸付資本の存在形態 : 備後府中・延藤家の事例

史學研究 172 号 1-20 頁 1986-07-31 発行
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タイトル ( jpn )
近世後期における貸付資本の存在形態 : 備後府中・延藤家の事例
タイトル ( eng )
The State of a Usurer's Capital in the Late Edo (江戸) Period : a Case Study of the Nobuto (延藤) Family in Fuchu (府中), Bingo (備後)
中山 富広
The Review of the Study of History : Shigaku Kenkyu
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 20
[PISSN] 0386-9342
[NCID] AN00100206
In the Late Edo period, the Nobuto Family was mostly engaged in financial business, especially loaning silver, besides owning the land and renting houses. They loaned people who were from different classes of the hierarchy, including the peasants and the lower classes in Fuchu City. However, since the Tempo (天保) Era, they intentionally had not been loaning the peasants and the lower classes, and limited customers to commercial capitalists in various parts by degrees. Many of the commercial capitalists who the Nobuto Family dealt with could not adapt themselves to economic change in the Meiji (明治) Restoration and faced breakdown economically except for only a few outstanding ones. The Nobuto Family financed those commercial capitalists as much as possible while they charged interest, taking advantage of the lord's authority. They seized mortages when the customers could not pay them back. After all, the Nobuto Family had intended not to loan the peasants, the lower classes, the small commercial capitalists, and the ruined commercial capitalists; but, by contrast, the number of the renters had decreased to 188 in 1867 even though the amount of loans had increased.
日本史 [ 210 ]
資源タイプ 紀要論文
発行日 1986-07-31
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 0386-9342
[NCID] AN00100206