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A Study of Practical Methods to Analyze Travel Behavior Patterns in Local Cities
山根 公八
衰退傾向が大きい地方都市において、持続可能なまちづくりとして近年指向されている「コンパクトシティ」や急激に進行している「高齢化」及び「既存ストックの有効活用」に対応した交通政策を立案するためには、人が交通行動を選択する場合、1日の活動全体を考慮にいれて選択するという特性を踏まえつつ、①居住する場所による交通行動回数や交通手段選択特性の変化の推定、②高齢者と非高齢者の交通行動の違い等を説明可能な手法が必要となる。 このことから、本研究は、地方都市を対象に、1日に行われる交通行動パターンの種類を明らかにするとともに、これらのパターンの分類手法、因果関係分析を通し、コンパクトシティ化などの都市構造変数や高齢化などの個人属性変数を説明変数とする交通行動パターンの実用的な推計手法の開発を目的に実施したものである。 本論文は7章から構成されている。 第1章では、地方都市の近年の交通課題を取り上げ研究の背景を記述した上で、目的連鎖や手段連鎖を交通行動パターンとして定義し、本研究の目的及び位置付けを明らかにした。





第6章では、第5章で構築されたモデルを用い、「高齢化の進展」、「駅周辺に立地を促すコンパクトシティ化」、「コミュニティバスの運行」などの政策が実施された場合の交通行動パターンの出現状況をシミュレーションし、提案モデルが交通行動パターンの設定に実用的であることを検証した。 最後に、第7章で、本研究で得られた研究成果を総括し、今後の研究課題を整理した。
In local cities that are currently showing serious declining trends, transportation policies are required to support the realization of Compact City, to accommodate the issues caused by aging population and to effectively use the existing infrastructures. For this purpose, it is necessary to propose some practical methods, which can estimate change of travel behavior such as travel mode choice and trip frequency, and represent the differences of travel behavior between the elderly people and others, by properly incorporating travel behavior within a whole day. Focusing on the above-mentioned local cities, this thesis therefore aims to, 1) first clarify types of travel behavior patterns conducted in a single day, 2) develop some practical methods to analyze travel behavior patterns using explanatory variables related to urban structure (e.g., Compact City) and individual attributes (e.g., age), based on the pattern classification methods and cause-effect analysis method. This thesis consists of seven chapters. In Chapter 1, focusing on recent transportation issues in local cities, research background is first described and then travel behavior patterns (e.g., trip purpose chain and travel mode chain) are defined. After that, research purposes and positions are explained.

In Chapter 2, the differences in travel behavior patterns due to individual attributes and regional characteristics of residential areas are clarified based on aggregation analyses with a data collected in Matsue city, which can be regarded as a representative of the above-mentioned local cities. This is done after summarizing current situations and issues in the local cities including population structure, financial circumstances and car ownership. As an analysis result of using the person-trip (PT) survey (1999 Lake Shinji/Nakaumi Region Comprehensive Transportation System Survey) with the sample size of 12,710 trip makers, 86 trip purpose chain patterns and 252 travel mode chain patterns, and 508 combined patterns of trip purposes and travel modes are derived. Among these patterns, each of the top 10 patterns includes over 90 percent of the total samples, and this shows that it is possibility to effective extract of some representative travel behavior patterns.

In Chapter 3, to estimate the change of travel behavior patterns due to changes of personal attributes and urban structure, classification of travel behavior patterns is first conducted. To do so, a data mining approach called “CHAID" is applied. This approach is capable of endogenously classifying the patterns with little intervention of analysts' subjective judgment. After that, discussion is given with respect to the hierarchical structure for choice of travel behavior patterns, based on the derived tree structure of the behavior patterns. Furthermore, influential factors about the choice of travel behavior patterns are clarified based on the sample characteristics of the derived patterns. As a result of using personal attributes, urban structure, dummy variable indicating trip purpose, type of travel mode, and number of trips, 12 representative patterns are obtained. The goodness-of-fit index is 0.76, showing satisfactory model accuracy. The resultant predictors for the classifications are number of trips, dummy variable of trip purpose and types of travel mode. It is found that trip purpose chain patterns are determined prior to the travel mode chain patterns.

In Chapter 4, cause-effect relationships existing in the above-derived structure of travel behavior patterns are examined by combining covariance structure analysis approach and aggregate-type multinomial logit model, where the former is used to explore the cause-effect relationship and the latter to the choice of behavior patterns. The model estimation results reveal that personal attributes and urban structure influence the choice of trip purpose chain patterns, which affect the choice of travel mode chain patterns. The calculated latent variables representing “personal attributes" and “urban structure" are used for the analysis in Chapter 5.

In Chapter 5, to overcome the shortcomings of the above-mentioned integrated modeling approach (i.e., unsatisfactory representation of similarities among the behavior patterns), it is proposed to apply the concept of relative utility. Relative utility argues that similarities among alternatives are mainly caused by observed information. Such feature of representing choice behavior is appealing from the perspective of practical application. For example, focusing on the combination of trip purpose and travel mode, since “car use" is commonly included in the patterns of “commuting/car use – go-home/car use" and “commuting/car use – private trip/car use – go-home/car use", these two patterns are expected to show high similarity. To examine the effectiveness of the relative utility model at aggregate level, the same set of variables used in Chapter 4 is also adopted here. Relative utility model is first compared with traditional model and as a result, its validity is empirically confirmed. Considering the hierarchical structure for choice of travel behavior patterns, a r_NL model is established. This model is derived by directly incorporating the concept of relative utility into the nested logit model. The estimation method for the r_NL model is the traditional maximum likelihood, which is widely applied in practical world of transportation field.

In Chapter 6, based on the estimation results in Chapter 5, changes of travel behavior patterns due to various policies are simulated. Simulation scenarios include “progress of aging society", “compact city planning to encourage location of various urban facilities nearby railway station" and “operation of community buses". It is confirmed that the established r_NL model is flexible and operational enough for practical use, as an analysis method of travel behavior patterns. In Chapter 7, the research outcomes from this study are summed up, and some future research issues are also discussed.
資源タイプ 博士論文
出版タイプ Author’s Original(十分な品質であるとして、著者から正式な査読に提出される版)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
学位授与番号 甲第4399号
学位授与年月日 2007-09-07