Colour superconductivity and the radius of a quark star in the extended NJL model by using the dimensional regularization

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General Volume 39 Issue 21 Page 6371-6375 published_at 2006-05
アクセス数 : 843
ダウンロード数 : 205

今月のアクセス数 : 9
今月のダウンロード数 : 5
JPhysA_39_6371.pdf 105 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
Colour superconductivity and the radius of a quark star in the extended NJL model by using the dimensional regularization
Fujihara T.
Kimura D.
Source Title
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
Volume 39
Issue 21
Start Page 6371
End Page 6375
A radius of a dense star on the colour superconducting phase is investigated in an extended NJL type model with two flavours of quarks. Since the model is non-renormalizable, the results depend on the regularization procedure. Here, we apply the dimensional regularization and evaluate the radius of a dense star. Evaluating the TOV equation, we show the relationship between the mass and radius of the dense star in the dimensional regularization.
Physics [ 420 ]
Resource Type journal article
IOP Publishing Ltd
Date of Issued 2006-05
Copyright (c) 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd
Publish Type Author’s Original
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[NCID] AA12185372
[ISSN] 1751-8113
[DOI] 10.1088/0305-4470/39/21/S30
[DOI] isVersionOf