
体育史研究 Volume 14 Page 29-42 published_at 1997-03
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AN10298347_14_29_42_kihara.pdf 1.05 MB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( jpn )
Title ( eng )
A study on 'The Education by Play' by Shozo Shimada at Seijo elementary school in the late 1920s
Source Title
Volume 14
Start Page 29
End Page 42
This study aims to clarify parts that Shozo Shimada (1895-1960) played in the development of the theory and practice of physical education in Japan. This development implies application of the modern education priniples to physical education. Futhermore this study seeks to clarify that 'the education by play' by Shimada could be supported by most of teachers in the depressed late 1920s. Especially this study focuses on clarifying parts that the view of children by Shozo Shimada played in organising objectives, teaching materials and teaching methods of physical education. The results as follows ; 1)Shimada held his view of children based on John Dewey's child centerd educational thought. He thought of immaturity of children as existence of their human potential. So he recognized indispensability of children's self-activity in learning. However, he tended to regard the child development as spontaneous response. As a result, his idea had a risk of playing down the role of teachers' guidance in lessons. 2) Shimada introduced physical play as teaching materilas into schooling. This play was more intersting to children than gymnastics of physical training. But that play was selected out of recreation that children experienced in and out of shool. He didn't appreciate the significance of mutual relation between all experiences in and out of school. In belief, his study had a weak point in organizing the curriculum of physical education, because his study was lacking for paying attention to undernurished and unhealthy bodies of poor children in the late 1920s. 3) Shimada aimed to develop a companionship among classmates of Kusunoki Class through experience of physical play. This aim was introduced from Shimada's view of objectives of physical education. Through experience of several physical activities, he aimed to develop several human abilities in addition to physical growth and physical fittness. It requires further study to clarify the origin of Shimada's view of objectives of physical education.
Education [ 370 ]
Resource Type journal article
Date of Issued 1997-03
Copyright (c) 1997 日本体育学会
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[NCID] AN10298347
[ISSN] 0914-4730