Comparative study of full QCD hadron spectrum and static quark potential with improved actions.

Physical Review D Volume 60 Page 114508- published_at 1999
アクセス数 : 813
ダウンロード数 : 198

今月のアクセス数 : 1
今月のダウンロード数 : 2
037_9902018.pdf 292 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
Comparative study of full QCD hadron spectrum and static quark potential with improved actions.
Aoki S
Boyd G
Burkhalter R
Hashimoto S
Ishizuka N
Iwasaki Y
Kanaya K
Kaneko T
Kuramashi Y
Ukawa A
Yoshié T
Source Title
Physical Review D
Volume 60
Start Page 114508
We investigate the effects of action improvement on the light hadron spectrum and the static quark potential in two-flavor QCD for a-1≈1 GeV and mPS/mV=0.7–0.9. We compare a renormalization group improved action with the plaquette action for gluons and the SW-clover action with the Wilson action for quarks. We find a significant improvement in the hadron spectrum by improving the quark action, while the gluon improvement is crucial for a rotationally invariant static potential. We also explore the region of light quark masses corresponding to mPS/mV>~0.4 on a 2.7 fm lattice using the improved gauge and quark action. A flattening of the potential is not observed up to 2 fm.
Physics [ 420 ]
Resource Type journal article
The American Physical Society
Date of Issued 1999
Copyright (c) 1999 The American Physical Society
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 1550-7998
[DOI] 10.1103/PhysRevD.60.114508