広島外国語教育研究 27 号
2024-03-01 発行

Problems with Audio Recordings for Elementary School English Textbooks in Japan

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This study discusses issues with audio recordings attached to English textbooks for Japanese elementary school students. Out of seven sets of textbooks, approved by the MEXT (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), the one published by the Tokyo Shoseki Publishing Company, New Horizon Elementary English Course 5 and 6, was selected because these textbooks are the most extensively used in Japan and their impact on English teaching in Japan is considered high. Four CDs accompany the textbook for 5th graders, and three accompany the textbook for 6th graders. In the study, an L1 English speaker identified unnatural-sounding utterances, which were then acoustically analysed to understand why they sound unnatural.
Three problems with the recordings were found. Firstly, the speech rate is excessively slow, leading to unnatural pauses. Secondly, errors in tonicity are identified. Thirdly, the reading style is overly animated and dramatised, which is inappropriate for 5th and 6th graders.
The present study emphasises the critical role of audio materials for English learners, especially beginners. Recommendations include careful preparation by textbook writers and narrators, attentive monitoring during recording, and increased involvement of MEXT textbook inspectors to ensure recording quality. In conclusion, the authors suggest that the process of materials production and review be tightened and that comparative analyses with other countries be taken to improve the appropriateness of model recordings.
本研究では日本の小学校英語教科書に付属されている音声教材に関する諸問題を考える。7種類の文部科学省検定済教科書のうち,日本で最も多く使用され,日本の英語教育への影響が大きいと考えられる点から,東京書籍が出版する『New Horizon Elementary English Course 5・6 』を使用した。付属のCD は,5年生用の教科書には4枚,6年生用には3枚用意されている。本研究では,まず,英語母語話者に不自然に聞こえる発話を特定してもらい,次に,その発話がなぜ不自然に聞こえるのかを音響的に分析した。
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