30 号
2018-03-22 発行


ISSN : 1347-0205
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科音楽文化教育学領域
Quantitative Analysis of the Recognition of Musical Elements of 5-Year-Old Children in Four Nursery Schools: Analysis of Music Test Results before and after Undertaking the MEB Program
佐野 美奈
PP. 3 - 12
Characteristics of Music Cultivation Observed in Musikalische Zeitfragen (1903): Focus on Kretzschmar’s Concept of “Volk”
工藤 千晶
PP. 13 - 20
Children’s Musical Expression in the Montessori Method: Focusing on the Music Curriculum of J. K. Miller
藤尾 かの子
PP. 21 - 30
Jidobuyo in Sueo Kanemaki’s Writing in the Showa Period before the War: The Relationship between Music and Movement
戸江 真以
PP. 31 - 37
Fostering Comprehensive Music Ability: A Comparison of Educational Methods in Classes Introducing “The Musician’s Ear Comprehensive Training in Musicianship”
岡田 陽子
PP. 39 - 46
Research on the Interpretation of Music in Music Education: Consideration of Increasing Knowledge in Modern Music Experience
辻 勇介
PP. 47 - 54
Analysis of Altès Flute Method by Makoto Hidai
明本 遥
PP. 55 - 62
Ambiguity of “Imitation” in Music Education: Focusing on “Narau” and “Utsusu”
齋藤 紘希
PP. 63 - 72
How Contemporary Dancer be Inspired by Music about Dance Action: Elucidating Dancers’ Thought Patterns during Stimulated-Recall
藤井 菜摘
PP. 73 - 80