24 号
2012-03-22 発行


ISSN : 1347-0205
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科音楽文化教育学領域
The Decline of "Fusizukuri Music Education" and Protects of Hiroshi YAMAMOTO
PP. 1 - 10
Development of Music Classes on Gagaku in Elementary and Junior High School
伊藤 真 濟川 貴 杉原 歩 堀江 遥 井内 志穂 粟木 陽子 岡田 みなみ 勝部 遥子 山本 千尋
PP. 11 - 20
Notohara Yumi
PP. 21 - 29
American Kindergarten Song Books’ Development from the View Point of Vandewalker and Hill in the Early 20th Century
武内 裕明
PP. 31 - 38
PP. 39 - 45
A Consideration of Singing Education in School Textbooks of Music in Italy: An Analysis of MUSICA live (2009)
大野内 愛
PP. 47 - 55
A Study of "Music Cultivation in the House" at the Third Conference about Arts Education
工藤 千晶
PP. 57 - 63
The Educational Philosophy of Music of Borland: Focusing on Musical Foundations (1927)
小林 美貴子
PP. 65 - 71
The Introduction of Music GCSE: Through an Examinations on Articles in the TES
松下 友紀
PP. 73 - 80
Assessment Technique in National Assessment of Educational Progress Music: An Investigation of the Report of 1997 Field Test
酒井 勇也
PP. 81 - 88
Critical Reaction to Beethoven: Focusing on François-Joseph Fétis' Études de Beethoven
大迫 知佳子
PP. 89 - 97
Rethinking of the Yale Seminar: Reevaluation of the Historical Meaning and the Acceptance
長谷川 諒
PP. 99 - 106
An Approach to the Course of Study (Music) for the Elementary School in 1977 by Ministry of Education : Special Reference to the Relation to Criticism Against the Course of Study (Music) for the Elementary School in 1968
四童子 裕
PP. 107 - 116
A Change of Appraising in the National Curriculum (Music) in England
梅比良 麻子
PP. 117 - 129
A Study of Children’s Listening-Singing Ability: With Special Reference to Difficulty Levels of Pitch Matching Skill in Each Intervals
能見 義史
PP. 131 - 134
Research on Theme Composition in Music Textbooks Published by Kyouiku-Shuppan: Analysis of Elementary and Junior High School Textbooks after 1980
石津 誠
PP. 135 - 142
Listening Activities in "Silver Burdett Making Music" (2008): Paid to Lessons which Use Texture/Harmony as the Main Study Element
粟木 陽子
PP. 143 - 149
The Characteristic of Singing-Dancing at Keihanshin Area Seen in "Keihanshin-Rengo-Hoikukai-Zasshi" in the Later Meiji Period
堀江 遥
PP. 151 - 158
The Arts (Music) of Australian Curriculum: Elementary Stage of Multicultural Education
井内 志穂
PP. 159 - 169
A Study on Cultural Administration and Cultural Policy for Music in Japan: From Life-long Music Learning
佐藤 歩
PP. 171 - 178
Music Critic Koichi Nomura's View of Record Music in "Rekodo Ongaku-dokuhon"
濟川 貴
PP. 179 - 185
Investigation into the Role of Hiroshima Public Hall in the Post-War Period: Change in Genre Repertoire Based on an Analysis of the Permits
堀田 佳苗
PP. 187 - 194
Christopher Simpson The Division-Viol, or The Art of PLAYING Ex tempore upon a GROUND. EDITIO SECVNDA Part III "The Method of ordering Division to a Ground" (3)
菊池 可奈子 梅比良 麻子 粟木 陽子 井内 志穂 岡田 みなみ 佐藤 歩 杉原 歩 濟川 貴 堀田 佳苗 堀江 遥 山本 千尋 千葉 潤之介
PP. 213 - 216