広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属特別支援教育実践センター研究紀要 15 号
2017-03-14 発行

知的障害者の家族の語りが大学生の意識変容にもたらしたもの : 教育学部生を対象とした授業のアンケート分析から

Things to Change College Students’ Consciousness by Stories from Family Members of People with Intellectual Disabilities: From the Questionnaire Analysis in Classes Targeting Students at Faculty of Education
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In this study, a lecture with active participation of parents of children with disabilities was held in a lecture-type educational seminar for the freshmen of the department of education and its effectiveness was examined. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire designed to measure the degree of understanding of disabilities and people with disabilities revealed that students had acquired a new perspective for understanding disabilities and people with disabilities by listening to the parents’ thoughts and feelings. The students who attended the class were asked about what they thought they could do at present or in the future, and the results were qualitatively analyzed. “How to interact with people with disabilities,” “recognition of disabilities and people with disabilities,” and “sustainable exploration” were extracted from the results. It was speculated that the class with active participation of parents with children with disabilities helped the students planning to be engaged in education in the future to clarify what they should do in the future in relation to education as well as understand disabilities and people with disabilities.
inclusive education
university education
educational seminar
active participation of persons involved
understanding of disability