13 号
2015-03 発行
ISSN : 1883-5406
発行元 : 広島大学大学院教育学研究科
An Analysis of the Social Studies Textbooks for Special Needs Schools “Useful for Everyday Living” (I) : Contents of Geography : A Study of Learning Difficulties Part 2 <Original Article>
若原 崇史 宛 彪 横山 千夏 渡邉 巧 能見 一修 岡田 了祐 池野 範男
PP. 11 - 25
An Analysis of the Social Studies Textbooks for Special Needs Schools “Useful for Everyday Living” (II) : Contents of History : A Study of Learning Difficulties Part 3 <Original Article>
横山 千夏 渡邉 巧 能見 一修 岡田 了祐 若原 崇史 宛 彪 池野 範男
PP. 27 - 39
A Survey on the Contents of “Autonomous Activities” (Jiritsu-Katsudo) in the Japanese Schools for the Deaf : The Results of 2008 Survey Including “Instruction for Acquiring Self-Consciousness” <Original Article>
PP. 41 - 51
Relationship among Factors of Learners, Kanji Characters and Kanji Writing Quiz in Children with Low Vision <Original Article>
氏間 和仁 一木 薫
PP. 53 - 63
University Education on Inclusive Education Era : Class Provision with Active Participation of Persons Involved for Department of Education Student <Original Article>
PP. 65 - 75
The Practice in a Special Needs School to Support the Students with Intellectual Disabilities to Realize Properly Their Own Challenges : Through the Preparation for Internship Collaborating with External Resource <Original Article>
佐々木 健太郎 田中 康子 野口 和人 鈴木 徹
PP. 77 - 86
A Basic Study on the Development of a Computer-Based Program Teaching People with Autistic Disorders to Read Emotions from Vocal Expressions (3) <Material>
PP. 87 - 93
Understanding of the Causal Relationship in Typically Developing Children <Material>
PP. 95 - 99
Difficulties of Teaching and Learning English in the Japanese High-school Department of the School for the Deaf : A Review <Material>
PP. 101 - 111