学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 51 号
2024-03-31 発行

主体的に学習に取り組む態度を育成する保健体育科の授業実践 : 「粘り強さ」と「自己調整」を育む球技の教材開発

Cultivating a proactive attitude toward learning classroom practice in health and physical education: Developing teaching materials for ball games to foster tenacity and self-regulation
冨岡 宏健
原田 央
松本 茂
887 KB
This study examined the kinds of teaching materials and evaluation methods for promoting independent learning in health and physical education ball games in junior high schools. First, teaching materials were developed using Tchoukball. Next, to examine evaluation methods for independent learning attitude, which includes two elements of perseverance" and "self-regulation of learning, a class practice was conducted using a portfolio-type worksheet based on One Page Portfolio Assessment theory in the developed unit. Furthermore, the class practice was open to the public, and its effectiveness was analyzed based on discussion session records and students' free descriptions. The results suggest that it is possible to promote the self-regulation of learning by devising teaching materials from a methodological perspective. Moreover, using portfolio-type work sheets allowed learners and teachers to share evaluation information, implying the possibility of respecting student independent learning and fostering their proactive attitude toward learning.
887 KB