学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 51 号
2024-03-31 発行

デジタル・シティズンシップの育成をめざす小学校社会科政治学習の開発 : 第6学年単元「若者の投票率から見えるもの」を事例として

Development Study of Elementary School Social Political Learning for Cultivating Digital Citizenship
渡邊 大貴
松林 泰弘
森 清成
眞鍋 雄大
野元 祥太郎
577 KB
The purpose of this study is threefold. First, to develop and implement an elementary school social studies political science class that aims to cultivate digital citizenship. The second is to verify the effectiveness of the developed lessons based on the children's behavior. The third is to reconstruct the framework of the class structure based on the children's behavior. To achieve these objectives, we developed a sixth-grade elementary school unit entitled "What We Can See from the Sluggish Voter Turnout of Young People" and implemented it in a class.
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