学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 50 号
2023-03-31 発行

保健体育科におけるCLIL体育の教材開発に関する研究 : 体育実技の授業実践を通して

Development of a teaching program of CLIL taiiku in Health and Physical Education: Through the practice of the PE class
磯村 美菜子
冨岡 宏健
重元 賢史
住田 哲太朗
466 KB
The purpose of this study was to clarify the results and issues of CLIL Taiiku by practicing CLIL in PE classes at two different junior high schools. The goals and contents of the class were set according to the target grade, since different results and issues were obtained from each practice, it may be important to search for appropriate type s of CLIL according to the area, unit, class content, in the future teaching program of CLIL Taiiku
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