学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 48 号
2021-03-31 発行

“ハイブリッド ユニット”ゴール型学習の有用性 : 中学校のタグラグビー,ハンドボール,バスケットボールの実践から

The Usefulness of "Hybrid Unit" Goal-based Learning on Physical Education: Focusing on the practice of tag rugby, handball, and basketball in junior high schools
阿部 直紀
信原 智之
藤村 繰美
1.01 MB
The purpose of this study was to address a motor learning program consisting of "hybrid units" and to clarify the usefulness of the learning sequence and arrangement by analyzing the common movement patterns among various athletic activities . Then, we conducted empirical lessons of two units: tag rugby-handball and handball-basketball. Results showed that "forming a line in a defense" and "passing effectively in an attack" are common ways of moving. In addition, it was found that both defensive and offensive movements became progressively more complex and could be studied in a developmental sequence.