広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究 Volume 2
published_at 2007-12-31

個人を結び、社会参加を導くインターネットの効果に関する検討 : ソーシャルキャピタル論の観点から

Study on the effects of the Internet on bonding between people and fostering social participation: the viewpoint of the social capital framework
Furutani Kaichiro
690 KB
This study examines the effects of the Internet on individuals and society from the perspective of "social capital" . In chapter 1, the author reviews arguments of Putnam (2000) and Lin (2001), and points out their problems. Then the author redefines social capital. Next, the author introduces the history and characteristics of the Internet. Finally, he explains the problem examined in this thesis. In chapter 2, the author considered the ways in which face-to-face, mobile phone, and short message service (SMS) communication associate with the satisfaction of relationships between same-sex friends. In chapter 3, the author examined the effect of PC mail use and SMS use on two kinds of network (strong-tie and weak-tie) and on adaptation (self-esteem and self-efficacy). In chapter 4, he author examined how seeking crime information through the WWW affected the maintenance of the public space in one's own region. In chapter 5, based on the results of chapter 2-4, the author discussed the individual consequences and social consequences of mail use and information seeking behavior on the WWW. And future studies were proposed.
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