This paper examines Lexical Conceptual Structure (LCS) of Japanese verb group meaning “acquisition” (gakusyuusuru, manabu, narau, benkyousuru, osameru, etc.) such as learn, study, and acquire in English. Kageyama (1996) suggests four LCS templates which bases on four aspectual verb classes according to Vendler (1967). And this paper presents that Japanese verbs meaning “acquisition” can be adapted to Kageyama’s LCS templates. According to the four aspectual verb classes, Japanese “acquisition” verbs can be classified as activity verbs (gakusyuusuru, manabu, narau, benkyousuru) and accomplishment verbs (osameru, syuutokusuru, masutasuru). In conclusion, the paper suggests that [EVENT x ACT (ON-y)] is presented as Lexical Conceptual Structure of Japanese “acquisition” activity verbs, and [[EVENT x ACT ON-y] CONTROL [BECOME [y BE AT z]]] is presented as Lexical Conceptual Structure of Japanese “acquisition” accomplishment verbs. Especially in the case of accomplishment verbs, “syuutokusuru” is analyzed in terms of telicity and change process. According to Kageyama (2008), Lexical Conceptual Structure of “syuutokusuru” is proposed as [ [ EVENT x ACT ON-y] CONTROL [[ ] y MOVE [State-Route p1<p2<…<pn]]]).