広島大学大学院総合科学研究科紀要. I, 人間科学研究 Volume 10
published_at 2015-12-31

Be Capable of Doing の語法 <研究ノート>

A Study of Be Capable of Doing <Research Note>
Tatara Taira
992 KB
This paper explores the usage of the structure capable of doing employing the largescale corpus, WordbanksOnline. It demonstrates that capable of doing is preferred to can do, in which the subject has the ability to achieve an action through a high degree of skill or special knowledge. In this case, particular verbs, such as produce, score, or sustain, are likely to be used, as in capable of producing/scoring/sustaining. The data also shows that using capable of doing is not suitable when referring to the subject’s achievement of an action through external circumstances rather than personal abilities.
English usage
English synonyms
English grammar
English corpus linguistics
English lexicography
Copyright (c) 2015 by Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University All rights reserved