高等教育研究叢書 Volume 171
published_at 2023-05-19

激動期の高等教育-将来像と課題- : 第50回(2022年度)研究員集会の記録

Higher Education in the VUCA era -Future Vision and Challenges-: Proceedings of the 50th R.I.H.E. Annual Study Meeting (Nov.25, 2022)
SHIN Jung Cheol
川嶋 太津夫
吉武 博通
馬本 勉
佐古 秀一
増田 尚史
大谷 幸三
塚原 修一
2.82 MB
This report is a summary of the 50th Annual Study Meeting, held online in a hybrid format in 2022. The theme of the year was “Higher Education in the VUCA era -Future Vision and Challenges-”.
Looking back on the stagnation of economic activity due to the normalization of the new coronavirus, the sudden rise in prices due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the changes in work styles due to technological advances, it seems that it is becoming increasingly difficult to predict the future society. In such a social situation, expectations for educational and research activities at higher educational institutions, especially universities, are increasing, but it is difficult to say that these expectations have been met.
At this year's Annual Study Meeting & IDE seminar, participants discussed what kind of higher education policies the governments of each country are adopting in the face of such a turbulent society and what kind of educational and administrative activities are expected of Japanese universities in recent years. First, we asked the following four experts to give keynote speeches on specific topics related to their expertise. Mitsuo Ochi (President of Hiroshima University & Chief of IDE Chugoku Shikoku Branch) reported on strategic planning and practice at Hiroshima University. Jung Cheol Shin (Seoul National University) reported on the theme of “Higher Education Policy in Challenging Environments”. Tatsuo Kawashima (Osaka University) reported on the theme of “Japanese Higher Education in an Era of Change”. Hiromichi Yoshitake (President of Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University) then reported on the theme of “University Management Style in the Turbulent Japanese Society”. Following these keynotes, Hidekazu Sako (Naruto University of Education), Hisashi Masuda (Hiroshima Shudo University) and Kozo Ohtani (Hiroshima Institute of Technology) provided valuable comments on these reports. An active question-and-answer session followed.
はしがき 大膳 司…i
研究員集会の趣旨 …iii
セッション1 基調講演
Higher Education Policy in the Challenging Environments: 50th Anniversary, RIHE, Hiroshima University Jung Cheol SHIN…1
変動期における日本の高等教育-変化する環境の中で「変わらない」日本の高等教育の課題- 川嶋太津夫…9
激動する日本社会における大学管理運営-人を中心に据えた組織づくりに向けて- 吉武 博通…29
高等教育政策-変化,課題と展望- 黄 福涛…37
予測困難な社会における日本の高等教育のこれから-川嶋太津夫先生,吉武博通先生のご講演から- 馬本 勉…41
セッション2 パネルディスカッション
研究員集会に対するコメント-教員養成単科大学の立場から- 佐古 秀一…45
私立文系中規模大学の立場としての雑感-コメントに代えて- 増田 尚史…47
教育への具現化について-理工系私立大学の取組事例- 大谷 幸三…49
パネルディスカッションの司会をつとめて―「激動期の高等教育-将来像と課題」― 塚原 修一…51
パネルディスカッションを司会して- 大膳 司…55
研究員集会の概要 …59