As concerns about university management and administration have increased, the focal point of academic research and policy recommendations have primarily been specialized skills, knowledge, and the institutionalization of staff development. In contrast, huge gaps in the environment of today’s university administrators have appeared. The purpose of this study is to design a framework to formulate and further clarify the reality of contemporary university administrators in Japan.
Based on a discussion of the job characteristic model, which describes five core dimensions, skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback, seven operational constituents are established: routine work, mastered in a few years OJT, requires more than four years for proficiency, institutionally unprecedented task, formal cross-sectional project, and voluntary efforts. Another dimension of the framework is to formulate the reality of contemporary university administrators in Japan, which consists of four items: type of effort, measures for advanced work, performance and development, and nurturing environment.
On the basis of this framework, the structure of the job and work environment of university administrators in Japan are surveyed and described empirically.