Issue 8
Date of Issue:1996-12-31
current number
Print ISSN : 0915-7425
Online ISSN : 2759-6494
Publisher : 日本ギリシア語ギリシア
Zum Problem des Satzbaus im Altgriechischen : Auf Grund der Analyse von συμβαίνειν in Historiae des Historikers Polybios <ARTICLES>
Takeshima Toshiyuki
PP. 1 - 14
Κάτα καρδίας "against heart" : The Petrification of a Prepositional Phrase <ARTICLES>
Tachibana Takashi
PP. 15 - 30
Zu den Funktionen der verdoppelten Personalpronomina innerhalb der Relativsätze in Balkansprachen <ARTICLES>
Iura Ichiro
PP. 31 - 45
A Supplementary Study of Construction with Verbs of Giving in Ancient Greek : A Supplement to Chikamatsu (1995) <NOTE>
Chikamatsu Akihiko
PP. 46 - 53
On the Transcription of European Proper Names in Katakanas <ESSAY>
Nonaka Natsumi
PP. 54 - 58
Class for Teaching Modem Greek : University of Hiroshima <REPORTS>
Ukida Saburo
PP. 59 -
Teaching Koine Greek in Modem Pronunciation (2) : Osaka Bible Seminary <REPORTS>
Sugiyama Seimin
PP. 60 - 62
Bibliography of Modem Greek Literature and Linguistics in Japanese (5) <REPORTS>
Sato Rieko Tachibana Takashi
PP. 63 - 67
Computer Use for Modem Greek Studies <REPORTS>
Tachibana Takashi
PP. 68 - 70
A Contrastive Study on the Proverbs related to 'Friend' in Japanese and Modem Greek <SUMMARY OF THE PAPER PRESENTED TO THE 8TH GENERAL MEETING>
Ukida Saburo
PP. 71 -
Βασίλης Βασιλικός, Μια ιστορία αγάπης <TRANSLATION>
Yamaguchi Yoshio Basilikos Basiles
PP. 74 - 72
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