7 号
1995-12-31 発行
Print ISSN : 0915-7425
Online ISSN : 2759-6494
発行元 : 日本ギリシア語ギリシア
ギリシア人が見た日本カザンツァキスとカズダグリス <論文>
Spanaki Marianna
PP. 1 - 10
An Essay on the "Dialogue on Poetry" between Tsatsos and Seferis, related to "The King of Asine" <ARTICLES>
伊藤 照夫
PP. 11 - 23
On the Δρῦς in Papadiamandis : Beneath the Royal Oak <ARTICLES>
佐藤 りえこ
PP. 24 - 38
A Study on the Proverbs related to Education in Modem Greek <ARTICLES>
浮田 三郎
PP. 39 - 48
On the Syntactic Position of the Dative Noun Phrase in Non-Configurational Language : A Functional Analyse based on Data from Classical Greek <ARTICLES>
近松 明彦
PP. 49 - 62
ビザンツ民衆ギリシャ語における「内部」表現 <論文>
Tachibana Takashi
PP. 63 - 77
A Visit to Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli <REPORTS>
野中 夏実
PP. 78 - 84
Bibliography of Modem Greek Literature and Linguistics in Japanese (4) <REPORTS>
佐藤 りえこ 橘 孝司
PP. 85 - 88
Letter from Messene : On the Excavation of a Hellenistic Sanctuary <ESSAY>
長田 年弘
PP. 89 - 96
On Some Functions of the Prepositions in Modem Greek and Albanian <SUMMARIES OF THE PAPERS PRESENTED TO THE 7TH GENERAL MEETING>
井浦 伊知郎
PP. 97 -
A Contrastive Study on the Proverbs related to Education in Japanese and Modem Greek <SUMMARIES OF THE PAPERS PRESENTED TO THE 7TH GENERAL MEETING>
浮田 三郎
PP. 98 -
PP. 99 - 132
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