Issue 2
Date of Issue:1990-12-25
current number
Print ISSN : 0915-7425
Online ISSN : 2759-6494
Publisher : 日本ギリシア語ギリシア
On Vizyinos <ARTICLES>
Sekimoto Itaru
PP. 1 - 4
Seferis and Women : A Sketch of Curriculum Vitae of the Poet <ARTICLES>
Shida Nobuo
PP. 5 - 11
A Study on Momentaneous Future and Durative Future in Modern Greek <ARTICLES>
Takeshima Toshiyuki
PP. 12 - 27
The Relation between the Verbs of Movement and the Deictic Center in Modern Greek <ARTICLES>
Tachibana Takashi
PP. 28 - 40
Comparative Study of New Testament Greek and Gothic (1) : On the Periphrastic Expressions of Future <ARTICLES>
Kamose Masayuki
PP. 41 - 52
Notes on Some Modern Greek Words in the Colloquial Usage(1) <BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS>
Tachibana Takashi
PP. 53 - 55
Seferis, Collected Poems 2 : Gymnopedia <TRANSLATIONS>
Seferis George Ukida Saburo
PP. 56 - 60
On Modern Greek Proverbs with Elements concerning "Animals" <REPORT OF THE PAPERS PRESENTED TO THE 2ND GENERAL MEETING>
Ukida Saburo
PP. 61 -
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