21 号
2015-08-31 発行
Print ISSN : 0915-7425
Online ISSN : 2759-6494
発行元 : 日本ギリシア語ギリシア
Yannis Maris, “Father of the Greek Crime Novel” : Charms and Changes in His Works <Article>
橘 孝司
PP. 1 - 25
The particular Western-text readings of the Book of Acts <Article>
杉山 世民
PP. 26 - 35
Writing and Composing Music of the Poems “The Sun and Time” by Mikis Theodorakis <Note>
土居本 稔
PP. 36 - 60
Petite histoire de la prononciation du grec moderne <Note>
八木橋 正雄
PP. 61 - 70
Cuckoos in the Classics <Essay>
水谷 智洋
PP. 71 - 78
On the Classics : Their Worth and Their Universality <Essay>
近松 明彦
PP. 79 - 86
PP. 87 - 90
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